Wtf. Tyson looks even bigger now then he did back then😂😂 wtf dawg. Jake paul is gonna die a horrible painul death in that ring😂no joke igot tyson in the first 30 seconds, if that.
What is thr feet move ment needs for the fight and jake Paul has to sit down 😢 thats sad when a 58 i think doing this to h no brake yeah tyson ez win for him 😂😂 ( i vote Tyson)
All the people who asked to help me saw me training like a dog because they saw someone else telling me to. People didn't just hand me information. The smart people who helped me ignored race how I acted they saw I worked hard then they gave me more because i had potential I listened and I had the mindset if anyone can beat me they're gonna teach me after and I don't care if they like me
Jake peacocking and dancing around like he’s still on Vine. Mike getting rdy to remind the world who and what he is😂. Closer this fight gets the more confident I feel like Mike has it in the bag.
I just want Mike to win
This fight is disgusting, Tyson destroy the legacy ,i Swor He Lose
Mike Tyson ❤❤❤❤
Wtf. Tyson looks even bigger now then he did back then😂😂 wtf dawg. Jake paul is gonna die a horrible painul death in that ring😂no joke igot tyson in the first 30 seconds, if that.
When the muscle memory kicks in🥊🥊
Money's on Mike Tyson max 5min 1st round.
Tyson for president
Ah they make a ton money out of that
Do ya think that s a real fight?
I wish … but don’t think so
What is thr feet move ment needs for the fight and jake Paul has to sit down 😢 thats sad when a 58 i think doing this to h no brake yeah tyson ez win for him 😂😂 ( i vote Tyson)
I wonder of Jake will be able to River Dance after the fight?
Jake has no shame. Mike Tyson for for win
The 🤡 vs. the legend
All the people who asked to help me saw me training like a dog because they saw someone else telling me to. People didn't just hand me information. The smart people who helped me ignored race how I acted they saw I worked hard then they gave me more because i had potential I listened and I had the mindset if anyone can beat me they're gonna teach me after and I don't care if they like me
Майк лучший🎉🎉🎉
Легенда бокса
Can't believe that's current Sir Mike Tyson. He's a beast still.😮😮😮
Забери меня
Jake sleeping in first round.
Tyson without matso moto is nothing
Jake peacocking and dancing around like he’s still on Vine. Mike getting rdy to remind the world who and what he is😂. Closer this fight gets the more confident I feel like Mike has it in the bag.
Goat For Reason 😂😂😂❤❤
MFIng Jake trying to take advantage of a retired Mike Tyson. May god bless us with the KO we deserve to see from Mike Tyson
Yall need to get a life
I know it Mike , but dammm how does an old man move that fast
He retired from boxing but it doesn't mean that he forgot how to fight
Clown white money Clown pol is Clown
The last thing to leave a fighter is punching power the reason why George Foreman became the heavyweight champ at his later years Paul is doomed
Tyson power💪😎👍❤️🤲🏼🕋
El campeón por siempre va a ser Mike Tyson….!!!!
Ah I see tysons trainer still tryna survive poor guy 😭
One side is ai and edited to look good the other just old fashioned training.
Vas a parecer una alfombra en un balcón a las 8 la mñn
Why'd he have that lil ass girl spamming his torso? Her power compared to Tyson's power would be night and day.
Тайсон пик>бокс
Imagine tyson break his back from old age by fighting jake paul 😮
Mike has better and more stamina at 54 than most men their entire life.