Jake Paul vs Mike tyson training…🥶😈

boxing #miketyson #jakepaulvsmiketyson.


36 thoughts on “Jake Paul vs Mike tyson training…🥶😈

  1. Wtf. Tyson looks even bigger now then he did back then😂😂 wtf dawg. Jake paul is gonna die a horrible painul death in that ring😂no joke igot tyson in the first 30 seconds, if that.

  2. What is thr feet move ment needs for the fight and jake Paul has to sit down 😢 thats sad when a 58 i think doing this to h no brake yeah tyson ez win for him 😂😂 ( i vote Tyson)

  3. All the people who asked to help me saw me training like a dog because they saw someone else telling me to. People didn't just hand me information. The smart people who helped me ignored race how I acted they saw I worked hard then they gave me more because i had potential I listened and I had the mindset if anyone can beat me they're gonna teach me after and I don't care if they like me

  4. Jake peacocking and dancing around like he’s still on Vine. Mike getting rdy to remind the world who and what he is😂. Closer this fight gets the more confident I feel like Mike has it in the bag.

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