Even if mike were to lose, the fact that he went up against a guy thats half his age is insane, i dont know why jake paul would want to fight a literal senior citizen bro.
La légende Mike peut largement avoir le dessus avec son expérience et sa rapidité es sa puissance il entraîne même il a plus d'expérience mai avec sa santé on peu pas savoir pendant le combat se qui peu lui arriver
this perfectly illustrates khabib and Connors fight mcgregor trashed him and lost same situation khabib is humble like mike Tyson so Tyson will mop the floor with Jake Paul that's all I can say
this is hilarious really. mike tyson is enjoying every bit of it and jake paul is just like a pantomime baddy. its all very silly really. i bet the fight is all fixed to protect both men and they will both walk away with a huge amount of money. thats it. its all capitalism. the fans are just caught up in the hysteria which they also enjoy for the buzz. what a load of nonsense. honestly!
27:45 he can’t hold it together!! Haha! I love it. You can just tell they love each other too much. This is a torch handing so hard. When you put the work in it is seen and Mike is not unwise. And Jake has gone a kundalini on dis though don’t hate him he seems to be so high right now I am glad he grew his wings. It took a lot real young.
Jack Paul actor, he not have a chance for winning. Tyson legend and he beat him!
come november 15th it will be Good night jake ,,
Tysons laugh at 13:06 is sinister 😂
Bro is aged 💀💀
Even if mike were to lose, the fact that he went up against a guy thats half his age is insane, i dont know why jake paul would want to fight a literal senior citizen bro.
Nexflix pls que regrese minecraft modo historia o tasiquiera la temporada. 2😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
La légende Mike peut largement avoir le dessus avec son expérience et sa rapidité es sa puissance il entraîne même il a plus d'expérience mai avec sa santé on peu pas savoir pendant le combat se qui peu lui arriver
Mikes high as fk that's why he's just chilled don't get it twisted if Mike catches him flush jps lights out all out
Bro the interviewer is stupid
this perfectly illustrates khabib and Connors fight mcgregor trashed him and lost same situation khabib is humble like mike Tyson so Tyson will mop the floor with Jake Paul that's all I can say
we are talking about mike Tyson he gonna wipe the floor with Jake Paul
Tyson couldn’t hurt let alone knockout a 51 year old Roy Jones Jr 4 years ago. Im sorry but this fight will be painful to watch
Prime Jake Paul. Let’s see what you got
Jake has no style in the ring or in the press conference
this is hilarious really. mike tyson is enjoying every bit of it and jake paul is just like a pantomime baddy. its all very silly really. i bet the fight is all fixed to protect both men and they will both walk away with a huge amount of money. thats it. its all capitalism. the fans are just caught up in the hysteria which they also enjoy for the buzz. what a load of nonsense. honestly!
Lemme just say I liked Jake Paul but stuff he put out made me not like him. We actually have reasons.
Jek “elgayo” paul😂
This is like the boss of the retierd fighters that jake is fightin. Ready for smoke, from mike obviously
27:45 he can’t hold it together!! Haha! I love it. You can just tell they love each other too much. This is a torch handing so hard. When you put the work in it is seen and Mike is not unwise. And Jake has gone a kundalini on dis though don’t hate him he seems to be so high right now I am glad he grew his wings. It took a lot real young.
The best intro Mike had was Vince McMahon's.. "The baddest man on the planet! Iron Mike Tyson!"
Imagine if mikes took a knock out deal to let Jake win 😢 sad times
I'm not going to lie Mike is actually nice he's don't have no hate against Jake Paul
I love Jake so much