Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson Power Punch🥶🥶👿

boxing #miketyson #jakepaulvsmiketyson.


35 thoughts on “Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson Power Punch🥶🥶👿

  1. Idk if Jake actually has power..he only ko'd people that are retired/ not in the same sport. Plus most people he fought were from a much lower weight class

  2. Dumbest video Mikes fights were against actual pro boxers in their prime. Where this kids knock outs are ex NBA players and washed up MMA fighters past their prime which he most likely paid them to lose.

  3. Ill watch the youtube highlight i think its rigged for the payday. It would be smart for tyson to bet against himself to lose and lose pretty sure the odds are on Pauls favor to win if he bets the 20 mil he'll have a hundred mil at the 55 dollar gain for every 100 spent

  4. It's crazy how like 3 of Mike's clips looks like he didn't even move to make the other dude fall it just looked like bro fainted mid fight meanwhile Jake's Opponents look like there lagging 💀

  5. The fact of the matter is, most of the men who Tyson knocked out in this video would whip Jake as well. He’s a hype man with a heavy hand but that does not make you great🤙🏼

  6. Tyson has fought world class heavyweights and 7 foot tall gang leaders ..once he tried to pay a zookeeper to fight a silverback gorilla..I don’t think Disney princess will be much for him ..that dude is a different type of person ..I don’t care how old he is he’s a true life ending threat to anyone and most top predators on this planet ..

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