Ivermectin and vaccine injury

With professor Robert Clancy 00:00:00 – Intro 00:00:01 – New medical findings on post-vaccine syndrome 00:05:59 – treatment for …


45 thoughts on “Ivermectin and vaccine injury

  1. If I am recalling correctly, Phizer gave their stock of ivermectin to the US gov for their reserves or some reason, it was gathered up around the world, in one African country it was piled up and burnt, (to get emergency approval there could be no other treatments) their were NGO reps wandering the hills of NEW GUINEA giving doses of ivermectin to locals for some tropical ailment , this was before 2019, these locals ended up with a a rate of one or two percent for the experimental gene therapy take up, and as you would expect many died,,,,, NO…. They had one of the lowest rates for detrimental effects of the Covid virus flue thingy, Yes IVERMECTIN.
    As we know no, if it’s banned or labelled as mis or dis info, get into it.

  2. I've learned so much from Dr John and Dr Clancy..but I've also learned immensely by reading the comments.. Sooooo many great tips and insights that have worked for me….Gp's know nothing compared to us actual folk..because we here are all just trying our best to survive…thx everyone

  3. You know when they say no,that it is what yuo need.😢😢😢i thought the pharmacist in WalMart ,when i stated that the fda ,a record wasnt so good.youd a i said a dirty word.😢😢😢😂😂😂😂

  4. My only problem with this is the simple fact you knew all this information yet waited years after the fact to talk about it. All of a sudden these "medical professionals" talking about alternative medicine where were you years ago? At least Joe Rogan had the fortitude to stand up at the the time the rest of you are cowards.

  5. I have CFS/ME & I have had swollen lymph nodes since two days after I had the Pfizer booster, on 30th December 2021. My Gp is denying I have swelling when it's quite clear that I have lumps that can be seen. I was told I have a "fat neck." I have photographs evidencing the lumps in different parts of my body.

  6. Ive been suffering and conplete medical negligence for years now due to race gender and age.
    The medical system in west Australia is beyond appaling as i suffer chronic fatigue amongst*MCTD lupus fibromalgia plus many things talked about in this talk.
    I had heart issues the other day and the gp didnt even check my blood pressure and with the blood in my poo… ORDERS A URINE TEST!!!!

    God bless you dr Cambell, i have been following your talks that help me with the medical gaslighting and abuse

  7. My partner has all of the symptoms you have discussed in this video – POTS, neurological symptoms, chest pain, shortness of breath, fluid on both lungs, dizziness and fatigue. 2.5 years of pain and suffering with no effective treatment. No one has suggested trying this, but I really want to do it, as her life and health has been ruined by the shot. If this works it could give her her life back. Anyone know of doctors in Melbourne who would try this?

  8. How about autoimmune illnesses? GCA for 1. Love to hear about those. Have they "spiked" since vaccine etc? Have IVM been tried in conjunction with traditional treatments?

  9. Safety of ivermectin: I've been taking it for 7 years at least (weekly mostly but daily for 1 month straight a couple times), never any issues, but probably should take it more often again.

  10. Ok John, we are 7 months on now from when this great video was first shown on YouTube. We are all still Ill and waiting with fingers crossed for some progress…. Has there been any developments with regard to ivermectin use (in the uk)?
    I’m at my whitsend with this, and clearly the discussion within the video strikes a chord with many of us reporting the same symptoms.
    I have tried to talk to GP about it but get blank looks and point blank told they cannot consider prescribing anything not approved by NICE.
    Is any of the hypotheses going to be formalised into something that could be peer reviewed and referenced so that we can point our GPs at the content? Unfortunately there is a certain stigma about referring a gp to look at something on YouTube.
    I’m getting more cynical by the day, and now I’m convinced by the evidence presented here I am surely getting nearer to the point of ordering by any means possible! But why should this be? What is the reason for making this medicine so taboo? I’ve signed the Hope Accord, as should anyone reading this but hearing some kind of update in relation to some of these great videos would really give us ‘Hope’ that progress is being made.
    I’m on a waiting list to test for microclots at a hospital in the north of England, but wonder if I get a positive result what the treatment could be? Especially if all the medicines that seem to work are banned!
    I can’t tell if they are just waiting for people to die and shut up finally or just totally incompetent in the bright lights of big pharmaceuticals. All I have had so far is a consistent offering of antidepressants and a pamphlet on ME/CFS.
    Sorry rant over … keep up the good work and please, please give updates on past topics.
    Part of me thinks YouTube are on your side as the algorithm found me this one to watch again👍

  11. Covid taught normal men and women to become healthcare professionals because health care professionals weren't actually health care professionals, just paid pharmaceutical pushers. Ivermectin safeguards our nicotine receptors which controls our breathing, from which the v4cc1n3 trys to destroy or impare. Ivermectin, nicotine patches and or gum, or even cigarettes ensure we breathe fully when the governments trys to kill us by removing our ability to breathe. Dr Ardis is a hero!

  12. I know someone who I am certain is vaccine damaged.He says it cannot be proved so has not applied for comoensation. Must be huge number of people who feel like this. He has list his job, health and independence.

  13. This video needs to be shared.
    I have done so and I challenge all of you to follow suit.
    The only thing it takes for evil to win is for good to do nothing.
    Take a stand now or later we will all be gone.

  14. Where do you purchase Ivermectin fro please…I’ve just paid £45 for a sml. Btl. of Iverneem he’s written on btl.
    I was ripped off of £85 in January did not send the Ivermectin. We are being conned right left and centre now. 😵‍💫😌

  15. Doctor doom, shear propaganda ,covid response best ever, l had all the vaccines ,boosters, next day ,shingles, flue, tetanus, 68 years old ,no problems, all mind over matter, everyone's different ,hindsight a fine point,

  16. According to the wisdom of "Occam's Razor," which believes that the simplest solution is usually the best, we should have allowed already existing modes of drugs and well known methods of therapies to be used against this disease at the outset, and drugs like Ivermectin and Hydrochloriquine should have been considered as the first line of defense. Not only do new vaccines usually take 10-years to safely test and develop, we already had the best possible drugs in existence to fight this disease in the first place, in terms of both safety and efficacy.

  17. Is it actually sustainable?..or a final treatment…? I know it isn’t but I’m so tired waiting for the solution for my vaxxinated friends…will it ever be developed?…or will we keep pretending to be blind…my female friend after her two doses gave birth to a child who has clearly some cognitive disfunction…unable to see far objects…or hear low frequencies of sound..he is thinner than normal..I guess he has a fatigue disorder too…

    My heart goes out to him and all the children born with an illness they didn’t choose some vaxxinated individuals don’t realise they must heal first before ever trying to conceive with such a condition

  18. Got my two darn shots then got covid…..2 yrs later chest always feels weird, always out of breath….Go to heart doc tell her my complaints and orders stress test…..We found nothing……Well tell my chest that

  19. I have herpes zoster virus in cochlea of ear, on Valacyclovir to sustain not suiciding, contracted from Merck's Zostavax live shingles virus vaccine.
    I am considering taking Ivermectin to see if virus can be expunged. Dosage is on package from farm store. Question is whether to just take one
    dose, or to dose same amount day upon day for how long? Problem is victims of vaccine injury have NO AGENCY vis-a-vis the medical community
    or the legal/judicial community. One suddenly finds out just how isolated s/he is in society where authority and power are parsed out to professional
    functionaries for the interest of the liberal oligarchy ad nauseam.

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