It Begins with Season 1, Full Episode 1 | A Discovery of Witches
Watch the full first episode of #ADiscoveryofWitches Season 1 before the final season premieres January 8 on AMC+, …
Watch the full first episode of #ADiscoveryofWitches Season 1 before the final season premieres January 8 on AMC+, …
Matthew acting is like a child.. diana carry their love team.
I've watched this series over a couple of times, and with each renewed viewing, I dawn on something new that I didn't pick up on from the last time.
Addicted to all the seasons
I just finished all three seasons. Amazing portrayal. Teresa was so amazing. You have a lot of viewers, you should make more seasons. The twins could have more story and even for Diana. I was so excited to see her lead. Feels like she could have more story. Became a fan within the first episode.
This starts off really dumb. The Salem witches weren't witches. It was ergot poisoning. Ergot is a fungus that takes over grains in wet conditions and it's used to make LSD.
Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
" im having a hard time controlling myself, my primal insticts are centuries old , she smells so good like gingerbread cookies and team spirit " . Hahahah😅
"The smell of your gym shorts drives me crazy. Walk past me , but dont run , i might gobble you up " hahahahah
discuss only how read.
The movie is just fire 🔥, loved it.
So 5 episodes in, this is more or less a better twilight than twilight
La chanson du début n'annonce rien de bon.
Est une série teenagers ?
Forced "inclusion" again…. Black male (good person) + white female (love). Bad person (white heterosexual male) Always the same. Bye bye TV show.
A Chosen One Story with good actors and a disappointing plot. Wooden, albeit hot, protagonist.
I think she called her Ellen ? The red head? She is definitely wearing a wig. Not even a good one.
Can anyone showe the lomk to this movie episode
where to watch it in France?
Interracial lesbian witches; this show is realistic.
Discovery of witches happens when the girls you know turn twenty and/or have had relations with three men while unmarried.
Qual nome da série?
A book that old would have required gloves.
Where are the other episodes? I found some episodes on other channels but not in this channel.
Why is it, do You think, that Our Societies are currently so-fascinated by romanticized Evil???
The impetus for romancing piranhas,..only chicks seem to reconcile the concept.
This is awful lol.
I was looking forward to this series, but it was such a letdown.
Needed something new to watch! Looks good, I'll check out the rest
😊 pls show the other episodes