Irresponsible Parents Left Their Toddler in Car for Hours to Get Drunk
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She chooses her boyfriend over her baby, terrible decision…
Did they ask the bartender if he went outside twice? If he didn’t then his story was correct.
Those cops were not listening. And then put them together in the car?!! Nicely done
The vehicle was clearly a Honda CRV, not a Dodge. Do better.
There shld be a child expert called immediately. To hang out in the car and help this child deal with the trauma that is unfolding around her.
Dear police officers, Listening is a skill you do not posses. Geez. ❤️
He needs to choose a better partner,especially one who takes better care of her children…she's trouble..
That mother could not care less for that child huh
The cops where indeed wrong lmfao
That main cop is very condescending. Not professional at all
Mother of the year 🤨
It's the mom's fault. I get why he's so pissed.
I don't see how he got arrested. He is not legally responsible for the child. If they were married, then I could see how he would be responsible for the daughter legally, but not just a boyfriend.
That was one awkward ride to jail!
6 months and she’s letting them call you Dad. Wtf, yes it’s a minor thing considering but holy fuck.
Taking Josh to jail was absurd. Terrible police work on that end…wasn't his fault
Not gonna lie they definitely jumped the bullet on detaining the guy. They had 0 information about him or his side and just put him in cuffs. That's crazy. Glad to hear his case was dismissed.
She should have took her @$$ home! Controlling types like to manipulate.
Don't get me wrong, I love this channel. Always dropping new content that's well edited etc etc. I just wish the interjections for commentary were actually telling us information we DIDN'T get from the video. When you've just watched it play out, we don't need the video paused to have it explained to us again!! We already know what you're telling us, which feels like a wasted opportunity to interact with the viewers. Ask us what WE think the officers should do next, Do we agree with the outcome etc. If you can't add anything that we don't know, throw a conversation generator at us instead of treating us like goldfish (short memories). Not attacking, just felt like it had to be said; the vast majority of us who watch bodycams don't need to be spoon fed the key points 🙂
As for this vid Josh didn't deserve the fancy bracelets, he was actually being the more responsible one. I hope he gets out of that particular relationship. I also wish the kid well, they don't deserve to be abandoned in a parking lot. I hope their world improves
WHAT CRIME DID JOSHUA COMMIT!!? Joshua is NOT the baby's father, he drove his own vehicle SOBER up to the bar, he hasn't tried to drive away, and last i checked, it was LEGAL TO DRINK IN A BAR in the UNITED STATES for EVERY ADULT OVER 21 YEARS OF AGE!! SO AGAIN WHAT CRIME DID JOSHUA COMMIT!!?? 🤔🤦🏻♀️ NONE!!🤬
He openly admits more than once that. She leaves the child home alone and knew the kid was out there for the last 2 hours and decided to still leave her by herself. Strapped to a car seat for all the great citizens backing this dirt bag up.shm 🤡🤡
It makes you a better person because you weren't the driver, but also knew the kid was in the car.It wants to be a good civilian and check on her. Both of them are disgusting humans. He knew she was in there. makes him just as bad to leave her there.
Wait. Did he say that she does this all the time? Pathetic.
All her fault shouldn't have had that baby there in the first place
I think Christina lost her boyfriend.. Maybe she’ll do a bit more focusing on her child.. She needs to get her priorities straight..
The dropper was no doubt for Benedryl to make the child sleep while she went in and got drunk. She left the car unlocked!! Anyone could have taken that baby!!!!! Who was going to drive home? They are both drinking. So then she was going to drive drunk with the child.So infuriating!! They should never get there kids back! So amazing how much they cry and then act so concerned about their child. Disgusting! Oh and now we learn she was already drunk when she got there and she has a history of DUI.
To me he shouldn’t go to jail