Independent Woman Breaks Down In Tears Over Struggling To Find A Man Before Hitting The Wall!

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34 thoughts on “Independent Woman Breaks Down In Tears Over Struggling To Find A Man Before Hitting The Wall!

  1. She wants love in her life. I understand that. It's a natural thing for a human being. But she never said the other side of that equation. Does she have the love in her to give back to her man? Nope — you heard her. "It's all about me." Case closed.

  2. If you build a life for yourself you have to live it yourself. If you build a life for someone more than yourself there will be room for another person. Being independent is a good thing, but it becomes toxic independence if you overdo it. Men aren't really building lives for themselves, because it's not really a life unless you build it together with someone else. Sure, there are men who build lives for themselves, and those are the MGTOW:s.

  3. Two weeks before I got married…. God sat me down and told me what marriage is really about. No one ever told me this stuff before, but it took God to set me straight.

    He said, 'This marriage isn't about you, and it isn't about her. It is about Me! I will show you aspects of My character that you have never seen before, and would never know without this marriage. In this marriage, you will discover my Long Suffering, how I lay down My life for the ones I love, Sacrifice My personal comfort and safety for the gain of those whom I love. You will see My Mercy, and Grace. How I Humble Myself to reconcile brokenness and hurts. You will see my Faithfulness to commitment, and what Covenant really means. To be committed to the one you love even when they go out of their way to hurt you. You will know what it looks like to Co Labor with Me, and learn to lean on Me for all your provision. For a Cord of three strands is not easily broken.' God is Good, all the time. Believe that.

  4. Late to the conversation here, but my 2 cents. I am a former, unsuccessful, player. I admit it. I sucked at the game. I chased tail for years, laid with over 16 women, married and divorced and found myself more alone then when I first started out. I was fortunate to marry once more, but this time, it was not with any kind of woman I had always imagined, but instead I married the daughter of a King. The King. My first ever Christian woman, who didn't just believe in God, but actually has a true and intimate relationship with God, to the point, I have witnessed them speaking with one another right before my eyes on multiple occasions, still to this day. God is real. He is in control. In my 39th year of life, I was so alone, so desperately sick with having no one to love… I cried out to God and asked if there was anyone for me, or please remove my desires for relationship so I can just finally be at peace. A couple weeks later, He answered me and sent me to a bible study, where I would meet the woman of my dreams. But it took me 3 years to get her to say "I Do." I never courted a woman before, had no idea what it even was to court a woman. But God lead me the whole way through. My personal Devine ( cyrano de bergerac ), who lead me to His daughter, taught me how to win her heart, and became the soul foundation of my marriage today. God has a special someone for everyone. But God wants our heart first, before He will give His sons and daughters to one another. Jesus must be our first and foremost love, then, we will have the capacity to both be loved, and to love as God intended from the beginning.

  5. When a woman’s FAMILY, FRIENDS, & THERAPIST are telling her everything she’s doing is wrong.. then you have truly reached new levels of wrong! If I had to guess, I’d say 🗣️: IT’S OVER 9000!!

  6. As a 74 yr. old woman I have noticed a lot of changes with women through the years. What I have noticed for the last several years is women have, especially with the feminist movement is how they have emasculated men. And now more recently I've noticed there are a lot of narcissistic psycho b!tches out there. Everything is me, me, me, I want I want, I want and if I can't get what I feel I deserve I will make your life a living hell until I get my way. I'm not saying that all women are like that, there are still a few good ones out there they're just hard to find. I guess my 30 yr. old Grandson said it best, "They just don't make women like you anymore Grandma." Do I feel sorry for these boohoo whining and crying me, me, me I want, I want I want women, not one d@mn bit!

  7. She probably has 100 male friends including exes…her prom date that took her virginity does her taxes😂😂 and she expects someone else to trust her and fall in love

  8. Attraction is very biological. Young women are upset and venting because they don’t find men attractive. It is also coincided with men’s low level of testosterone. Whatever modern society has done lowering men’s physical values. There is reporting a man’s substandard sperms leading to miscarriage. My advice to young women, if they are willing to listen, is just let it go. Don’t fret over or vent on social media. It is not going anywhere. Enjoy and build your life. It is not going to work if you tried and forced yourself to find relationship.

  9. Her biggest issue is her attitude. Her friends were correct. But you need to filter the bad advice from the good advice. The good advice is IMPROVING your attitude. Don the victim mentality. You are beautiful outside, but you also need a great attitude, a good heart, and most of all… be a lady. A good lady. Someone that you aren't embarrassed around your mother.

  10. "How much harder do I have to pray and manifest?"
    Okay, God is not some kind of cosmic butler handing out boyfriends to girls who pray the hardest. Pray for guidance and offer Him your love. Pray for others who need help far more than you. That is what prayer should be. If you do that, you might stop focusing on yourself so much and actually become someone people are attracted to.
    Same with "manifesting", try to manifest a better world through your actions. Sitting in an armchair and listing things you want, then becomming offended and angry when they don't appear is the surest path to being alone and bitter.

  11. "Why is it so hard to lock down the guy that everyone else wants?" "Why am I ignoring all the men who are asking me out?" Why am I ignoring the average men who are the best candidates?"

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