IMPORTANT CHANGE Players Need To Make.. New Red Dead Online Update (RDR2)
IMPORTANT CHANGE Players Need To Make.. New Red Dead Online Update (RDR2) SUBSCRIBE and DROP A LIKE! Today I …
IMPORTANT CHANGE Players Need To Make.. New Red Dead Online Update (RDR2) SUBSCRIBE and DROP A LIKE! Today I …
I think it’s easier to just collected animal pelts and give them to cripps
This was awesome I was kinda getting bored w this game but you’ve given me some motivation you gotta new subscriber for sure
7:50 hope you caught that legendary animal
I personally try too loot every body as well like you said takes time but you get so much from it also i would like to that you because i have watched a few of your videos now and even as a long time player of the game i always learn something new to help me so thank you
Cost money to buy resupply so much better to do it urself
How'd you get that tricorne hat?
I do the missions just for something to do
5:45 I loot everyone. I get good things from them
WTF!! Level 489 , Gold 2,000 , $ 200,000+
Before doing a resupply mission change your camp location to Big valley and try get it along the river, the missions take on average 2 minutes to complete
What defines the amount of extra material you get when you do supply run?
I wish as long as you have friends saved in your prominent posse your roles continued to run 😏
If you didn't know you could buy supplies then join a new session and it will have arrived immediately
How did you get that hat?
Agreed, paying supplies + a mission or daily better sometimes
Mostly if it's a daily I'll do mission
We need to sell horses and weapons for f*** sake.
Lately every resupply mission has been glitched. I start it and nothing loads. I have to rejoin another lobby and just pay the $20. So for every large wagon I'm spending about $80 and getting over $500 locally. I think the resupply missions aren't worth it anymore.
Sorry I loot everyone n I mean everyone !!!
Leave no stone unturned
I can't believe you still play this, fair play if you enjoy it, I pop in every couple months to see if anything has changed, but nothing ever substantial ever does… What keeps you going??
I always loot MY kills.
Noobs who try to steal loot get killed.
However, I can be reasonable and if another player asks me, I will let them. Cuz it's not like I really need it anymore.
are u on ps4
2k like hehe
R* could and should do like on gtao, they should advance train yrack construction overtime and expand the map to northern mexico, bring back chuparosa and the other cool locations from rdr1
I've been running resupply missions myself and it feels different now. My first two or three were close as heck and suoer fast. But since the update it puts them so stupid far away that some days I barely make it back in time.
Horrible suggestion. Sometimes the resupply missions are 50 feet away from camp and take a total of a minute and 30 seconds to complete.
One thing I can say from watching your gameplay while listening to your voice-over you are great at switching from your repeater to shotgun depending if someone is coming after you like that one guy trying to melee you switched beautifully like it's an art that you mastered
But why can't we rob banks to get money, rob general stores and actually be against the law?
What’s the jacket your wearing in this?
I do resupplies for the XP, not money. I have 23K saved up. I want gold and XP.
People still play this game?
I usually order supplies and then maybe I will go off and do collectables if it’s part of a daily challenge. Didnt thing the time would count towards the resupply if I didn’t some kind of events
for those who don't know, you can skip the wait for supplies to arrive time by joining another lobby – I think this method is more efficient as you completely skip the 10 minute wait and instead do a job/mission while trader going on in the background
Who waits for supplies to arrive? I buy mine and forget it. I always keep my camp mostly full, and keep my wagon full too. In between hours for a resupply, I collect and/or do dailies and whatever else interests me at that moment, refill the camp, and takeoff again. After 4 hours we all get together and sell em.
I buy supplies it's easier and I dont have to deal with the odd griefers or bored player that just blows up
This is so crazy. People I believe do not realize that GTA ONLINE and Red Dead ONLINE are run EXACTLY the same when it comes to Business.
Let me Explain. They both run on the concept of ACTIVE and PASSIVE Business or Roles. It's just that Red Dead Online has a Western Cosmetic Feel to it.
I am Really Happy about that. Thank You Rockstar !!! Now if only we could have true Heist in Red Dead Online!!!???
Bro. Which gun you are using at the END?
I see my routine as the best!
I switch to story
Super helpful video! Just started my first play through/ walk through of this game.
Is online still just grinding the same missions over and over and getting killed for your pelts? I haven't played since before the first update.