I Got TECHDECK DIY Concrete!!

Fingerboard #CocreteObstacle #TheGripsion #DIY Discord Server Here: https://discord.gg/DdJRjPssfu Awesome Fingerboards …


49 thoughts on “I Got TECHDECK DIY Concrete!!

  1. Just a heads up to all the DIY type of guys.. you could spend about $15 on this kit.. or you could spend about $15 on a 50lb. bag of Quikset cement mix and make well over a dozen different obstacles. You could even slap a TechDeck sticker on the bag if it'll make you feel better.

  2. Bro you are actually supposed to add some into the top of the blue mold to have two diff parts to skate on!!! You fill in the holes on the top where it’s slat below the rail and the other side with stairs to make it match the other side and can use the tool to make smiley face or whatever else in it.

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