I Challenged My Dad To an 18 Hole Match!

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30 thoughts on “I Challenged My Dad To an 18 Hole Match!

  1. As someone who grew up playing KCK courses I always have to watch the Sunflower vids. Miss the days of playing Sunflower, Dubs, and Painted with my Dad way back in the day.

  2. Please make it a series going to the range with Jerry and work with him on his swing. Help him fix that fade. Jerry is a legend and we want to see the journey

  3. I'm glad Jerry demolished Garrett. Do I wish the rules were a little better to make the match closer? For sure. But its always great to see someone play well. Whether that is playing well for a scratch golfer or playing well for a 25 handicapper, its always fun to watch. Loved this video.

  4. i learned to golf last year to spend more time with my dad before he passed. was missing him today and this video did my heart good. the pride your dad has is you is a feeling you can never replace. thank you for sharing such a great moment with us grant! i hope you det him out more often. huge fan!

  5. I loved all sports as a kid. Anything I could play I’d be signed up for and ready to go. Golf was my first love. It’s a game my dad introduced me to at age six, at age forty now and golf is still top of the list. My father is still kicking and is ready to finally play a round again with me this summer after not having done so in 17 years. Spearfish, SD summer 2024, in the book!!!

    Love the channel and seeing your father enjoy his son play the best sport!

  6. Had to comment to make # 667 but more importantly, just seeing Jerry having a genuine smile on his face the entire round made this a great watch. Could tell just getting to golf with his son meant so much to him. Love to see it

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