I absolutely do not recommend: Suicide Squad – Kill the Justice League (Review)

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39 thoughts on “I absolutely do not recommend: Suicide Squad – Kill the Justice League (Review)

  1. Think 🤔 about how INFINITELY better a game like this would be, if they had just made like 25-30 VASTLY different characters, w/wildly different abilites for each character…somewhat similar 2 something like Mortal Kombat or a game like that–& then maybe to get folks playin a long time ⌛️, have like 4 or 5 "Legenedary" characters, who were maybe the Bosses. So Ivy might have plants to act sorta like a portable gun emplacement, Mr. Freeze could physically freeze opponents, then EACH team u play with, could have VASTLY different "synergies". I betcha with another 5 months of "polish", & additional world activities, it would've had people playin & spending for YEARS. I GENUINELY wanna know how these game leads justify their paychecks/careers, when I'm comin up w/better ideas in 15 min.?

  2. I know it's not a perfect game and didn't expect it to be. People are too critical and quick to freak out over everything. I enjoy it and couldn't care less who hates me for saying that. I wish more seasons could've come out.

  3. Honestly what would have worked was if each character had movesets tied into their character in the comics… or at least if they were able to hold weapons create moves with them or something. More games should learn from god of war’s gameplay loop honestly

  4. Amazing. This looks worse than Arkam Asylum. A game that came out in 2009.

    I hate Live service AAA gaming. I hope this trend ties of forcing game companies known for SINGLEPLAYER games to make Live Service garbage dies already.

  5. This and Concord flopping so hard bring me immense joy. The game is fundamentally terrible and disrespectful to the franchise that spawned it.
    The fact the main story ends with "Thank You Kevin" (without addressing the utter disrespect shown to Batman) before your moron character goes "Oh my god, I got a new gun!" which is named Mysterious Illness is enough to make anyone angry

  6. I personally think that they missed an opportunity in not making the fight against the Justice League longer by having each member be the main enemy of an entire season. You would maybe have multiple run-ins with the the current member which would give them the opportunity to flesh out as characters. You could dedicate an appropriate amount of time to finding the way to kill each member in first place and it would give the developers the opportunity to have a vast array of different mission types each season. It would also give them the theme for the first four seasons just with the Justice League members that are there at launch plus a fifth one if they'd take the same approach for the fight against Braniac. You could even integrate the new playable characters into this approach, having each of them be a new addition to the team to beat the current target.

    In general, I don't think a live-service games story needs to reach a conclusion in the launch version. If a "normal" game is a movie, then ,in my opinion, a live-service game is a series. It doesn't need to reach a conclusion in the first installment, it needs to hook its audience to experience the rest. And just like a series is longer than a movie and thus has more time to dedicate to every part of its narrative, a live-service game too is allowed to take more time in progressing its narrative, or at least i belive they should be.

    Also, I don't want to sound like I think the developers are stupid or lazy, the way the game ended is probably at least to to an extend the fault of management and publishing rather than the development team.

  7. suicide squad – unalive the justice league
    I appreciate you were careful around revealing spoilers, but the title says it all.
    You play as the suicide squad, and unalive the justice league.
    There's no more depth to the plot other than inspired filler between point A to B.

    Such a shame, because instinctively, after reading such an ironic title, id expect there to be this huge twist revealed behind the curtain, that'll prove that there is so much more behind the title's message, but no. In this case, you can literally judge the book entirely by the cover.

  8. It is 110% justified and acceptable to compare Gotham Knights to Arkham. Knight at the end of the day, this is from the same f**** studio. This is from the same f**** people and they didn't put in the time and the effort to make it something worth a s*** It's not my f**** fault these a***** want $70 for their dog s*** if they didn't want to be compared to what they made before. Maybe they shouldn't have made a game.

  9. The game is 💩. And batman's catastrophically poorly handled death an insult to Kevin Conroy's Arkham Legacy. Your opinions and subscriptions doesn't matter. The truth will always stay the truth, Even if your sorry 🍑 doesn't subscribe ti it. This whole gane is an insult to arkham games. I'd be fine if this garbage of a game had no connection to arkham games whatsoever, but it is a direct sequel to Knight and the batman is indeed the same one we loved and played as in all of the previous arkham games.

  10. "The feel like they are just clones of the Justice League"

    Nail on the head! Not justifying this by any means, but shock of all shocks, that was the route they went down because I guess they knew just killed off the JL was going to be a bit much if it were the actual heroes I guess. But man, has the time since launch been underwhelming. Even those still trying to defend the game have already had their last legs swept under them (trying to claim they are in season 3 when it is just season 2 still. Definitely sad stuff).

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