Hurting is beautiful | Mike Tyson


28 thoughts on “Hurting is beautiful | Mike Tyson

  1. Some of you out there are born into particular circumstances with particular abilites. The few of you who are chosen success will come effortless to you cause you are born for this just like learning counting to 3. It will feel how it is meant to be. For the rest of us average life will be our success. Some people are simply are born as the main charcter in a movie and the rest are just side actors. It does not mean they dont matter they just are not seen. Life is not fair and it is not bad cause of it. Live on and put effort. There is only one Tyson

  2. One thing i could say is as well if we could all get along instead of fighting each other over skin colour because people say one another is racist this and racist that it goes all ways not just one we could be great we could be better than great the potential is limitless and thats why people will pit you against each other because they dont want you limitless they want you limited never forget your kindness and your love and your own opinion to believe that not everyone is bad and not every white guy/woman or black guy/woman or whatever race you are being told is putting you down just because they tell you they are, when you should be asking yourself who? and how many actually are? sooner or later you find out its one person not all and other times you figure out it was the accuser all along doing it to you or you doing it to yourself stay strong n remember that dont fall into that trap of hate that they want you in when you could be beautiful

  3. Mike Tyson is the greatest example of wisdom & adversity, the true fight , from a raging machine to humbleness , great to witness , tough situations come & go , but only the brave can soften in the eye of the storms of life, your a legend Mike .

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