How To Shrink Your Stomach To Eat Less

Learn how to shrink your stomach to eat less and help you lose weight! Get our Fit Mother 30-Day Fat Loss Program here …


30 thoughts on “How To Shrink Your Stomach To Eat Less

  1. I did that! Eat at 70% full, drink water when crave hunger attack. Worked really well for me and I was happy
    Then something happened, there'll always be something ? It was vacation I think.. eating schedule got out of whack and said to myself that I'll get back to it when vacation is over.
    But… it was not easier to bounce back as I thought it will be.
    Glad I chanced upon on this video and I would surely fight back again 😊

  2. Don't follow this. You will get gastritis if you do Fasting and if you do this regularly you will start loosing your muscles. After all your muscles lost then only stomach will start shrink…

  3. Mr. fantastic of the fantastic four could probably shrink his stomach very easily, considering he’s very rubbery and stretchy. I’m joking lol I just like to goof around sometimes.

  4. I'm gonna try the first one where I skip breakfast wate till noon then snack around 3 to 4 then have a dinner around 7 or 8 . This seems extremely hard but if I wanna lose weigh fastly this has to b dunn. But for a more long term approach I'd rather do the breakfast lunch snak and dinner

  5. I shrunk my stomach by intermittent fasting and drinking bone broth. I also gave up sugar and gluten for two years. It was a lifestyle change for me for better health. I have a lot more energy now and feel stronger since I gave up those things.

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