How to Get MORE Growth In Less Time (3 Gym Hacks)

What’s the fastest way to build muscle? Can you work out half as much as you are right now, do just a few 30-minute workouts per …


43 thoughts on “How to Get MORE Growth In Less Time (3 Gym Hacks)

  1. Here's a link to the time-saving workouts you can download: . Also, see below for all the studies referenced in the video. Cheers!








  2. I used to powerlift/casual bodybuild for 4 years when I was in high school and college. 4 years of no lifting, finally coming back, I've noticed just doing the standard compound lifts in various rep ranges depending on my mood has been working. 3 days a week. Push and pull movements alternated. If I bench, my assistance is OHP high rep and vice verse. Same with squats and deadlifts. Rows for lats and farmer walks. Also box jumps for explosiveness!

    Also as a science teacher love how you reference actual studies!

  3. I do 3 excersizes per muscle group with 3 sets each and the last excersize I do 2 drop sets at the end.
    I do all my sets to fail. if I need more than 12reps to get to fail, it means I need to increase the weight.
    And I repeat all my excersizes 2 times a week. I do ALL my excersizes in a superset with 20-30 sec btween excersizes.

    This gets me to exactly 20 sets a week for each muscle group.

    if no one gets in my way to slow me down, my workouts still take between 75 and 90 minutes. And that's without the stretching /yoga I do, for an hour after weights 😂

    I'm not that experienced tbh. And I'm using yt/websites and yes, even an AI to make my without program better. But I don't know where to cut more time.

    Anyone willing to look at my excersizes/weekly routine and tell new what I can cut?

  4. @alpinohealthfoods
    I recently tried Alpino peanut butter, and now it is my ultimate workout fuel! It is packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats, it keeps me satisfied for hours. Plus, it's pure peanut flavor without any guilt. Perfect for staying fit and enjoying every bite, workout sessions with good peanut butter and nutrition are equally important.

  5. Well, I find rest between sets is the big time for me. On some exercises I'm no less than 5min. If I just wait 3 minutes vs 5, I definitely loose 2 resp on the end, which are – according to this video, the most important reps.

  6. ❤❤❤❤❤👍🏻💪🏻

    i like this video very much

    🏋🏻‍♂️ 🏅🏅🏅


    Please make a 10 or 8 minute exercise video with a variety of movements:

    Bodyweight exercises and Dumbbell exercises for :

    forearms, biceps, triceps, shoulders, traps, neck, back, lats, chest, abs, lower back, obliques, upper abs, lower abs, glutes, hips/kegels/pelvis, waist, hamstrings, quadriceps, thighs and calves…
    and also ask for your help in making a video of exercises for the fingers, soles of the feet, palms, toes…….
    and exercise for symmetrical slanted bodies such as shoulders, face and other body parts…..
    And tall sports / to increase body height such as basketball athletes, cardio sports with and without dumbbells, as well as delicious bulking and cutting, recipes for delicious food and healthy food that we can cook at home……
    Don't forget to upload warm-up and cool-down videos with and without dumbbells I hope the video can be uploaded soon for my practice at home and I will share it with my friends.
    Sorry if there are any wrong words from me.
    I say…… thank you for your attention and and good luck always….

    From :

    Muhammad Haqqul Yaqin YAYAK your fans


    Please make a video bodyweight workout / home workout and Dumbbell workout for train muscle forearms,  biceps, triceps, shoulders, traps, neck, back, lats, chest, abs, upper abs, lower back, obliques, lower abs, waist, glute, pelvic / kegel, hamstring, quads, thighs, and calfs and finger workout, palm workout, face workout, body symmetrical workout, sole feet workout, tall workout, etc ……  please make that video because i love workout ……. thank you for your attention 🙂👍

    From your fans



    ❤ i like this video very much 🏋️‍♂️💪🏻👍🏼👍🏻

    Ask for help to make a video of :

    Bodyweight exercise and
    Dumbbell exercise for :

    forearms, biceps, triceps, shoulders, traps, neck, back, lats, chest, abs, lower back, obliques, upper abs, lower abs, glutes, hips/kegels/pelvic, waist, hamstrings, quadriceps, thighs and calves…

    and also ask for help making a video of exercises for finger, sole feet, palm …..

    and exercise for symmetrically slant the body such as shoulders, face and other body parts….

    And exercises to tall like basket ball player, cardio with and without dumbbell and how to bulking and cutting….

    don't forgett to upload video warm up and cooling down with and without dumbbell 🙂🙂😊

    Sorry if there are any wrong words ……. for your attention

    I say……. thank you very much

    From :

    Muhammad Haqqul Yaqin 
    your fans 


    Please make a 10 or 8 minute exercise video with a variety of movements:

    Bodyweight exercises and Dumbbell exercises for :

    forearms, biceps, triceps, shoulders, traps, neck, back, lats, chest, abs, lower back, obliques, upper abs, lower abs, glutes, hips/kegels/pelvis, waist, hamstrings, quadriceps, thighs and calves…
    and also ask for your help in making a video of exercises for the fingers, soles of the feet, palms, toes…….
    and exercise for symmetrical slanted bodies such as shoulders, face and other body parts…..
    And tall sports / to increase body height such as basketball athletes, cardio sports with and without dumbbells, as well as delicious bulking and cutting, recipes for delicious food and healthy food that we can cook at home……
    Don't forget to upload warm-up and cool-down videos with and without dumbbells I hope the video can be uploaded soon for my practice at home and I will share it with my friends.
    Sorry if there are any wrong words from me.
    I say…… thank you for your attention

    From :

    Muhammad Haqqul Yaqin YAYAK your fans



    Video Tutorial Dumbbell workout for forearms, biceps, triceps, shoulders, traps, neck, back, lats, lower back, upper back, chest, abs, obliques, lower abs, kegel, hamstring, calfs, thigh, quads, glute & etc


    Please help me to train muscles and guide me by uploading dumbbell exercise or body weight exercise tutorial videos :

    1. Neck
    2. Omohyoid
    3. Sternohyoid
    4. Sternocleidomastoid
    5. Trapezius
    6. Shoulders
    7. Deltoid
    8. Interior head
    9. Middle head
    10. Posterior head
    11. Biceps
    12. Brachialis
    13. Bicep brachii
    14. Long head
    15. Short head
    16. Pronator teres
    17. Palmaris longus
    18. Forearm
    19. Extensor carpi ulnaris
    20. Abductor pollicis longus
    21. Extensor pollicis brevis
    22. Extensor pollicis longus
    23. Flexor carpi radialis
    24. Brachioradialis
    25. Flexor carpi ulnaris
    26. Chest
    27. Pectoralis major
    28. Pectoralis minor ( beneath major )
    29. Abs
    30. Serratus anterior
    31. External oblique
    32. Rectus abdominis
    33. Tendinous inscriptions
    34. Back
    35. Teres minor
    36. Teres major
    37. Infraspinatus
    38. Rhomboid major
    39. Trapezius
    40. Erector spinae ( deep )
    41. Latissimus dorsi
    42. Thoracolumbar fascia
    43. Triceps
    44. Triceps brachii
    45. Lateral head
    46. Long head
    47. Medial head
    48. Glutes
    49. Gluteus medius
    50. Gluteus maximus
    51.  Thighs
    52. Sartorius
    53. Pectineus
    54. Adductor longus
    55. Gracilis
    56. Tensor fasciae latae
    57. Vastus medialis
    58. Rectus femoris
    59. Vastus lateral
    60. Patella ( kneecap )
    61. Hamstrings
    62. Biceps femoris
    63. Iliotibal band
    64. Adductor magnus
    65. Semitendinosus
    66. Gracilis
    67. Semimembranosus
    68. Calves
    69. Gastrocnemius
    70. Soleus
    71. Peroneus brevis
    72. Flexor hallucis longus
    73. Tibia ( bone )
    74. Tibialis anterior
    75. Extensor digitorum longus
    76. Peroneus longus
    77. Occipitofrontalis
    78. Orbicularis oculi
    79. Orbicularis oris
    80. Zygomaticus major
    81. Tendon of extensor digitorum longus
    82. Aponeurosis of occipitofrontalis
    83. Splenius capitis
    84. Tendo calcaneus

  7. This is amazing. Every time I talk to a weightlifter they tell me I have to get into the gym every day and spend at least an hour or what’s the point this has kept me out of the gym for a decade. This gives me hope that I can see gains by committing the little time I have.

  8. This would only be good for beginners tho right? I can’t imagine doing 1 or 2 sets and a 30 minute workout if your a huge bodybuilder that’s been doing it for years. Correct me if I’m wrong.

  9. Does this also apply for training to be more explosive through plyometrics or push ups and such? I do understand they serve different purposes (growth vs force exertion) but curious on your thoughts on it!

  10. I've been doing the complete opposite of this for over a year now following the Body By Science and Mike Metzner's methods of focusing on the static hold and slow negative reps. Gained 30lbs of muscle and was thrilled that something with 30 minutes of training once per week did all this to that extent. So at this point I am looking for a fresh approach so I will give it a try ….thx

  11. We know from science that muscle best grown at low oxygen environment as well, does hitting lower weights, with higher rep during rest, helps build muscles? Since you feel burn after doing your sets, so, while resting, you are working more (during rest time) with lower weights..

  12. The best shape I've ever been in was when I did something similar, mainly because it lowered the time commitment to the point where I didn't "dread" going to the gym knowing it'd be a 90-minute thing. I'd hypothesize that consistency was the key. Because I used antagonist supersets and drop sets for many of my workouts, my volume was higher while keeping the time low .. those become an issue in many gyms that are overcrowded as you can't reliably transition (unless you can do them at one station).

  13. @JeremyEthier some other research claims you will have better results by resting enough time (e.g. 2-3 minutes) between your sets rather than resting less time (e.g. 1 minute), because it means more volume, which means more gains. Is this now rendered obsolete? Or is it still true? But if it is still true, it kinda negates the fact that dropsets would be as efficient as normal sets, since they are basically "normal sets with rest time pushed to the minimum"

  14. When dropping weight for the dropsets, do we go down by 20% of the original weight each time or 20% of the previous set? For example, if we do three sets starting at 100 lbs. is it 100/80/60 or 100/80/64?

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