How to Build Muscle Without Bulking (NEW RESEARCH!)

Can we build muscle without bulking? No, right? If you want to build muscle, you gotta bulk, right? I mean that’s what all the …


32 thoughts on “How to Build Muscle Without Bulking (NEW RESEARCH!)

  1. Hope you enjoyed this one! See below for a link to all the studies referenced:




    Also, highly recommend giving Eric Helms (the smart man I interviewed) a follow! You can stay up to date with his research on his team's YouTube channel here:

  2. Hi Jeremy, I'm in dire need of your help!! I'm 30y old and I was diagnosed with diabetes last year. I still have insulin generating in my body. But I am losing weight, muscle and in general, my life! I'm 5'7" and currently weighing at 50kg. My butt became flat, completely flat, it's scary. I don't have any back muscle left. I am doing glute exercises and push ups but continuously losing body weight. I'm not being able to gain muscle. I don't know what to do! Please help me save myself. If you read this, please show me a way to recover!!!!!!

  3. when can we get a study that says that 0.7-1 gram of protein per pound of lean body weight is wrong… i don't like eating too much food just to reach that protein goal, and food is fucking expensive.

  4. Question: I have 30% body fat. Large calorie deficit (1400 cal). Won't the muscle I lose QUICKLY be regained once I up calories (muscle memory)? I lift 5x week during my aggressive diet.

  5. I always knew bulking and cutting was a stupid idea for experienced lifters. If maintaining is equivalent to bulking, there's no point of bulking and cutting. In fact, it would be worse than maintaining because the cutting phase would result in muscle loss or stagnant gains whereas maintaining has continuous muscle gain.

  6. My question is.. are you still a beginner if you've been training on and off some months, on and off other months. But for a whole year compared to someone who's been training a year as well but consistently, atleast 3 days a week, every week .

  7. I was and still kinda am a skinny young man and I am not a beginner in fitness I can do really good form 30 pushups and I can run 10k. With that being said I want to ask if I already bulked a little lost a little muscle, now what?

  8. Great video. Ahhh the newbie gains… I remember when I started working out, I gained 20lbs in only 6 weeks on a plant based diet. Im sure there was some added fat but I still looked lean.

  9. everybody built differet

    my suggestion just try different programs of training and diets to get the results you want takes time
    dont waste ur time on these stupid researchers because no body is fking watching them 24/7 for all that time

  10. Nice info. But funny that this is called 'new research' even thought that knowledge is decades old. It is just because some people keep up the believe that you must bulk, just like people keep up the believe that high volume is the only way.

  11. I've been doing only body weight training and bouldering for like 1.5 years, but I still eat the same stuff. Maybe like 50-70g of protein per day, 1500 cal daily. I definitely gained muscle and strength. Especially in my biceps, lats, forearms, delts and traps, fingertips and my core. I'm a girl too and this is a super easy lifestyle to maintain. Bulking is really not needed. What's the rush? Size isn't really my goal though, my preference is mobility and functional strength. Still, gains are gains, my weight is pretty similar as before, and…. I don't need to give myself an eating disorder. Lol.

  12. Its a big factor who you compare yourself to. Insta has ruined any type of realistic body in the minds of many men especially dudes under 25 that havent evendeveloped their whole brain yet.If you whole foods eggs butter no sugary shit, progressive overload somehow with weighted calisthenics and basic weighted mobility exercises i still gain muscle with 24 hour fasting at 33 and i am nothing special genetically..But this can be misleading "because Sam will probably die in the next 5 years so i don't think he should be in the conversation at all but Sam probably has all my muscle mass in his left tit so i cant say shit to him about gains. If your standarts are not retarded and poluted by social media and med companies and you wanna look good and feel good by consistently training and sleeping atleast 7,5 hours no hard drugs or boose you ll be there for sure. Just dont set unrealistic shit like i wanna look like the 1% of insta models. They are on gear posing with proper light while on a pump and show you even their best 1% and they mostly are genetic freaks ALREADY.Focus on you be better than you where yesterday and thats about it. I think 3 years training i ll be where i want to be.Really informative channel dude🤘

  13. But you haven't gained muscle in years. How are you giving advice and people eating it up? They can switch up to 7 years ago where you looked better. You literally haven't grown at all. WtF

  14. Meta-Analyses are a conclusion loosely built on a hundred loosely built conclusions, where the criteria for pre-inclusion and exclusion are themselves debatable, and all of which is completely meaningless where non of these studies are being replicated (confirmed) …. None of this is science, it is scientism, a cult and a dogma, requiring too much faith in its grant dependent priest-practitioners.

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