How to ACTUALLY Lose Belly Fat (Based on Science)

How to lose belly fat? Belly fat is really easy to gain yet often the hardest area to lose. There are 2 types: the annoying belly fat we …


20 thoughts on “How to ACTUALLY Lose Belly Fat (Based on Science)

  1. but do we measure grams of protein per # of body weight according to current weight? or hoped for weight? or the next level down of weight???

    This has been confusing for me forever.

    Same with the number of calories to lose weight…do I take in enough calories to maintain the goal weight…the first stage of weight loss weight?

    At my current weight of 285, I'm supposed to have close to 2400 calories a day…
    so…to reach 180# do I take in only 7000 less a week to lose 2 pounds a week???

    or do I eat enough to maintain 180#??????

    Plus…not every 180# person needs the exact same number of calories to maintain…
    Athletes compared to stay at home moms compared to businessman in an office.

  2. The best truth here is; most people stop their fitness journey before they lose all they need to lose. That stomach is the last to go..most of us give up. As for sleep.. when people don't sleep they get up and eat from the fridge or are up earlier and eat breakfast .. someone sleeping all night and into the day .. they simply eat less..are more rested and have better energy so they don't snack. How's that for a study. ha.

  3. Why can't I choose more than just 3 vegetables? Why can't I choose all the vegetables? Same with fruit. I get it, limiting for some things like fatty and starchy and avoid processed foods, but if they are whole foods, why the limitation? What if I want to eat spinach, broccoli, and peas one week but the next week I want kale, carrots, and beets? I just don't understand the logic behind the "choosing only 3 in this group and sticking with those, forsaking the rest" mentality.

  4. Its all hormonal. You can't spot reduce because hormones are used to signal fat cells to release fatty acids into your blood stream. Any fat cell that gets the hormonal signal to release the grease will do precisely that…

  5. I started eating less than 1200 calories since July.. it does show results, I also run everyday. I mainly eat protein and some carbs. Avoid process goods and good fat not process fat. And sleep good and managed your stress. And keep moving after eating. Go for walks 1-2 hrs after eating.

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