How Strong Should You Be? (Noob To Freak)

Powerbuilding Phase 2.0 is here! Here are a few program highlights: ▪️ Build muscle AND strength …


30 thoughts on “How Strong Should You Be? (Noob To Freak)

  1. Something to note, this scale gets somewhat distorted when you get past lifts that are 600+ lbs. Example, the world record deadlift of 1,100 lbs is only a 2.55x lift, the world record bench at 780 lbs is only a 1.7x lift. These lifts according to this scale are only "advanced". I did do a potential "lean weight" factor but the issue with that is the guy who did the 1,100 lb deadlift is already lean as fuck but weights 340 lbs.

  2. Okay i got some serious questions here.

    1 rep max. i get. But if what about pure bodyweight in things like squads?

    Like if i weigh 300 pounds and squad 225lb, is the mass of bodyweight included into the calculation? Or is it straight Bar weight we´re talking?

  3. It’s kinda hard to get optimal mesurement for everybody, i go to the gym since 5 mounths now, my weight is 81 kg and i can bench 100 kg but i can’t squat more then 60 kg in proper form, sometimes strengh and weakness can be to far appart to find a catégory where u fit in

  4. I’m currently in the intermediate level of lifting and my deadlift is almost advanced with almost 6 months of training what would you say my maximum potential is

  5. I commented on this video when i was 15 now im 18

    my stats at 15
    184cm 50kg bodyweight
    bench 50kg, squat 50kg and deadlift 100kg

    now at 18
    194cm 85kg bodyweight
    bench 120kg squat 180kg and deadlift 220kg

    After about 1.5 years of serious training

  6. Got me so curious though… Since I am just 5'2 around 60kg should I be ashame it i am on the Elite level on the women's? I mean i cant do the math for Male but i am kinda similar in weight in womens category

  7. We should actually compare our lean body mass to strength to get a better comparison imo, but that might be harder to accurately determine for most folks.

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