How Sony (nearly) killed their golden goose: Helldivers 2 | This Week In Videogames

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21 thoughts on “How Sony (nearly) killed their golden goose: Helldivers 2 | This Week In Videogames

  1. "This is the Xth game that uses a 3rd Party launcher, why do people suddenly care?"

    I've cared the whole time, thank you very much Mr. Spitz. I pirate games I legally own because I dont want fucking bloatware and security liabilities, and I dont want my email address attached to yet another database, for a service I never intend to use.

  2. I don’t think it’s valid to blame Epic for Alan Wake 2’s sales. It launched on PS5 and Series X/S. Missing out on one platform (Steam) shouldn’t make or break a games financials. It should’ve easily been able to recoup its development budget if it was successful on those other platforms.

  3. 19:00 woah woah woah. "…disappointing as The Suicide Squad. Only joking, nothing could be as disappointing as Suicide Squad." One: that's two different movies. Two: one of those movies is pretty great, and I'm speaking as someone who consistently finds DC's output depressingly mediocre.

  4. Especially on all of these news on closing studios, I wanted to give a little shoutout for CRYPTMASTER which also released on the 9th.
    Fun game with a creative take on "typing adventures". It kind of flew under the radar, so people, put it on yours and into your steam libraries 🙂

  5. There were so many huge indie games that landed on the 9th, I wish there was more attention given for how many neat entries there were. My shoutout would definitely be Rabbit & Steel, an insanely well made Roguelike meets Shmup meets FFXIV raid mechanics??? It is genuinely quickly one of my favorite roguelike games ever, it is insane how well it works for being a solo dev project.

    Besides that there's also 1000xRESIST, Cryptmaster, CorpoNation, Asleep and Brocula. There were so many entries just for the 9th. We're in an insane space for indies currently.

  6. I don't have an issue with Sony wanting PSN linking for their multiplayer games.

    What i absolutely do have an issue with is them trying to be retroactive with it, especially when expecting people to do so in regions/countries where it isn't even available after they've been playing a game they bought for months and then some.

    But going forward, yeah.. i expect it to be mandatory on day one and to be quite honest, it's fine as long as the requirement is clearly listed and isn't just sprung on the player base months after launch.

    Great industry we got.. at least Sony still makes good games between their PR oopsies where as Micro$oft is being greedy nowadays.

  7. Servez Spitz right, he has no community management skill whatsoever and still ended up at this position, firing him is pretty normal for both his stances against the players but also against sony. If you are not able to do your job you have no right to do it. Go do something you're good at with your life

  8. The review bomb cape is something the Helldivers 2 community WANTS,the fact Johan jokes with the fan base with such in game items is why we love the game so much.Saying things like “I don’t know this is a chapter Arrowhead should be making jokes about in quite that way.”just shows how much out of touch Skillup is with the Helldivers 2 community go back to Destiny bro.

  9. It was a partial victory over Sony. As of this comment, all those delisted countries are still delisted. If Sony isn't going to require the PSN account link, I do not know why they wouldn't just relist the game, and make more money. There is always spite though.

  10. I'm picturing the Sony executives announcing this reversal of plans to kill their golden goose while cartoonishly wearing an apron, sharpening a knife and reviewing a recipe for roast goose.

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