How Much Tech is TOO Much?
Let’s talk about motorcycle tech and if it is just getting to be too much already. Is it making us worse riders as a result? Let’s get into …
Let’s talk about motorcycle tech and if it is just getting to be too much already. Is it making us worse riders as a result? Let’s get into …
I think you should be able to turn it off….my truck has that stupid auto shut off at traffic lights…I hate it but, there is a button to turn it off. I really hate the default is on…I wish it was off.
“Salt Life!!!!”
Great topic! Tech is great on some of my bikes, others it's all boit just going for a ride and tuning all that out.
always enjoy a funny and informative video. my bike has self canceling signals and if I hop on one without I always forget to manually cancel. this all makes total sense
I'm all for the tech xD Should you rely on it? of course not, but having it there is nice 😀
To much tech?…Absolutely!…I am a 60 year old been riding Streetbikes for 43years and the most tech i have on my current Bike is a cellphone mount on my handlebar….hahaha…But seriously i like fuel injection…ABS yes…as long as dont have to pay extra for it…Infotainment and ride modes?…Hell No!….Dont need it…Never needed it before…All that stuff does in my eyes is jack up the price of new bikes by 4 or 5 grand…By the way the cell phone holder i never use it…Cant read the screen while riding and in this Cali heat it over heats my cellphone…
Well glad your feeling kinda better. yeah.. There is a point where there is to much tech. I've been very vocal about how much tech Can Am put into the spyders. I mean its cool and does serve a purpose, but it's a little much.
I've also seen a decline in peoples intelligence the past 10 years or so. I'm finding myself having to hand hold so many more users at work just to do simple tasks.
Stinks about the chest cold, err the Covid, no the chest… the Covid? The cold definitely the cold lol.
You know me and tech get along pretty well, except for on the motorcycle. My bikes highest level of tech is ABS braking (which now that I’ve experienced that I love it)
I’m sure safety is part of it, but it takes the fun out of riding. Automation will come for us all.
I like all the TECH! The more the better! Great video and topic. And I don’t know what you are talking about, I cannot get any dumber bro, tech or no tech. 😂
I think your right, just like that little electric bike honda came out with that all the Moto bloggers thought was just great…really? Don't have to do anything and they will be able to check their phone going down the road, because the thing is not fast enough to get out of its own way….. but then again in this day and age everything is watered down so it can be easy for the guy that has no skills so he can be included……..
my bike is "automatic" and doesnt even have half the tech a harley does….but i guess that comes with the scooter territory lol
Take all the tech away, and while we are at it, take all the warning labels from everything and let evolution sort it out.
My riding mode is how I turn the throttle… so simple.
If you are using all that tech to ride a bike…are you really riding a bike???
I prefer the old school. mechanical not electrical. basic is better. Raw Authentic Motorcycling
its pretty farked a Cold puts us through all this nonsense
haha A Case TR270
I guess the home test is garbage? Covid sucks. I wonder how much a bike like that would cost. I agree it actually might be a curse in the long run. Good stuff Ben glad you’re feeling better
I'm all for some tech, but there should also be some rider skill involved in riding. Tech will continue to drive costs of bikes up where it really doesn't need to be there.
For navigation, tech is nice… but there is just something nice about going for a ride aimlessly down the highway.
I do not have a problem with the tech. Especially for safety features. The blind spot radar like on cars or the radar on the front that watching traffic. I think if these things make it safer more people would ride. That's good for all of us. I only know a handful of people that can drive a manual transmission in a car. Do electric cars even have transmissions? Sounds like your getting close to grey beard status. lol Join us Join Us Join Us. Great video.
I was hoping the at home test was bogus but urgent care confirmed
Yeah man still denial that I was positive smh
Damn bro killing these videos 3 days a week
That one girl is definitely a keeper
Lmao 🤣
That's why numbers was so high all flase positives. Wife car has all those bells its tells you ti take a break. Hum maybe that's why don't see many indains on Dragon tail to many cruves overload systems
I mean, of all the motovloggers out there, i feel like you would be the guy to have the B.O.B. tech talk. Just to be fair!
Good topic man!! ẞ NH