I can't wait for this fight and Mike Tyson's probably going to be more of an animal than he was back in the day and I hope Jake doesn't do that good job send us I would never do that I would rather get knocked out than feel that are paying for the rest of my life and also I don't think that would be a good way to win
U know the crazy thing about it was after mike bit an ear off they still let him continue then he bit the other ear off and they still let him go on and fight. Crazy stuff.
Jake pault gettin his ass beat no hands down facts
I can't wait for this fight and Mike Tyson's probably going to be more of an animal than he was back in the day and I hope Jake doesn't do that good job send us I would never do that I would rather get knocked out than feel that are paying for the rest of my life and also I don't think that would be a good way to win
love the hajime no ippo references lol
loved this one! reminded me of hajime no ipo did you take inspiration from that show?
That would be such an annoying way to lose a match. W animation though ❤
Mike aborted Jake's balls😂😂
Bro just to let you know there’s abue
Booooo! That anime sucks
I wouldn't be surprised if Jake paid him to lose
This shit about to turn into Hajime No Ippo
That was class!
The White boy never going be a champion
Is a stupid, and racist little boy
Tyson be going killing this guy
W but Mike will definitely win 😂
This is the only version of this fight thats worth watching
no way jake gona dodge mike punch bruh this video is rigged
This unrealistic. There was no ear consumption in this fight.
"He's running waway with a p****?" 💀☠️
U know the crazy thing about it was after mike bit an ear off they still let him continue then he bit the other ear off and they still let him go on and fight. Crazy stuff.