How I’m Skinny but STRONG

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46 thoughts on “How I’m Skinny but STRONG

  1. I lift a lot heavier weights than a bodybuilder, more sets, more reps too. Literally, I use the biggest weights that no one uses at gym. But I look like someone who don’t work out. Yes, that bad. 😂😂

  2. The ONLY thing I will say is that flexibility is good whether you're looking to gain for aesthetics, muscle build or anything else. There are lots of times in life, especially as you get older in which your body might just twist a way it's really not meant to. The more flexible you are, the more your joints and muscle will recover because it wasn't so incredibly over stretched, only a bit over stretched.
    A good example being a guy who does the splits and accidentally slips while walking on ice or on a waxed floor. The person who has never done the splits is far more likely to really pull something wholly unconditioned to do so, where as the guy who does split training (even if they can't actually do the splits, which is fine) is less likely to really over pull or super tear a muscle.

    And as he explained, you can do both, but you should always include some flexibility into your routine, no matter your goals.

    As someone with tight muscles, but also some hyper-extension, both aesthetics with genuine strength and flexibility would be my personal goals. I'm not looking to bulk, but I would love definition and more than that, I'd love just being able to reach down easily and not worry about pulling anything randomly if I step wrong or fall over.

  3. You can be big strong and flexible. His information about sets reps and intensity is sort of correct, if youre a novice forever. And hes a beginner / novice in strength. He can actually be stronger and still be as agile and flexible as he is now. Theaye are not mutually exclusive.

  4. Fascinating. I do a lot of crossfit and we do a lot of what you do, although honestly not as well. Would be super interested to see how you stack up in the major lifts. I'd bet your power to weight ratios are impressive.

  5. Guys… you don't need to train to failure to grow big muscles… volume is the main driver of hypertrophy… if you can do 25 PERFECT FORM dips and 25th rep is the last rep before failure, your muscles will grow but you will also risk injury, hormone disruption, CNS fatigue and tons of other bad stuff… the smart way is to do 3 sets of 12-15 reps with 1 minute between sets… this way you will recover much more faster, you can practice the exercise more often without hating life and most importantly, you can workout all your life CONSISTENTLY!!!… which is crucial for any fitness purpose…. 3 sets of 15 reps will keep your ability to do 25 perfect reps… without even doing it….

  6. He needs to talk about his shitty genes to. No offense but if your doing just a few pullups a day your back would look ripped or atleast my does and i do 6 a day lmao

  7. This isn't strength. You literally weigh 90 lb. It doesn't take a lot of muscle to pick up 90 lb which is your entire body. What kind of clown s*** is this. He literally did two pull-ups in the entire video and one push-up and he thinks he's strong. And a bunch of you idiots believe it. Because you're all skinny and weak.

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