How I Really Feel About Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
In a nutshell, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 really makes you feel like Spider-man… sometimes. WATCH MORE ZENKAI GOOSE …
In a nutshell, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 really makes you feel like Spider-man… sometimes. WATCH MORE ZENKAI GOOSE …
Shoutout to Spider-man Creative Director Bryan Intihar of whom I love dearly.
Also watch me play every spiderman game
i usually dont comment but over almost 15 years on YouTube you are the 4th channel (well technically the 5th but two are from the same creator)that i subscribed to!!! thanks for the videos and keep the good works !!
I feel like what made sense in the military not showing up to help with the symbiote invasion, would be that Norman was hauling all the favors and pulling all the strings to keep the national guard at bay long enough for him to use his own resources at Oscorp to find Harry and stop the infestation from spreading so that they wouldn't go in and use extreme lethal force to hurt or kill Harry in the processes of eradicating the infestation. Luckily the Spider-Men (and MJ…for some reason…) were able to stop Venom and cure the city within' just a couple of days.
17:50 the mouth movement in miles morales was even worse
1:21 nah I’m unsubing (jk love your content bro)
bit late to this game, i totally agree with all of your point. Like the story feels barebones and lizard destroyed half the city and he was like chill afterwards as if nothing happened lol. In the first spiderman game, the characters had depth to the story, they acknowledged there's police in this game. The aesthetics and controls of this games is immaculate. It's the big loopholes they don't address, this game could've been so much better, and that's disappointing
Imagine how much better this game would’ve been if they didn’t force miles into the universe the way they did. He doesn’t add enough to the story to have warranted a spinoff title in-between games. & the time/recourses spent on the spinoff could’ve been put into making 2 a better game
Its doesn't feel as good as just cause 3 or 4
Fun fact: Maybe Marvel Spider man 3 will be the final game
Kraven was hunting the sinister six the entire time
I liked the crossover in story, but I think if you weren't so immersed in the fact you're playing as Spider-man or Venom, you'd be like… what is going on here.
I played Last Of Us 2 & grew to love what they did with the crossover in stories (sensitive subject), but here upon reflection it didn't flow perhaps as well as it could.
Generally? Great game & easily an 8/10 for me, but it could have so easily been a 10.
Another great video mate. Bravo.
Bro this man is one of the most underrated youtubers on the website. He deserves more than this
The pacing of this game is awful. The first hour you have to clean a house, ride a bike life is strange style, and hide from the highschool cleaner. And every fight is interrupted every 5 minutes by a cutscene. IT IS NOT GREAT at all. 6.5/10 at most.
This is absolutely amazing keep up the great work can’t wait to see more 🔥!
I have 3 words for you: Sweet Baby Inc. If you have no clue what this means go ahead and look it up, it perfectly explains what happened to Spider-Man 2.
Your editor deserves a raise
Ik I’m late but how come no one really mentions about miles fighting alongside when playing as Peter but Peter never fights alongside miles when you play him. If people mentioned it more insomniac might have fixed that 😭
Just discovered you recently Goose, I'm so shocked that this channel isn't a big gaming commentary channel yet, the content and production is top notch my guy, wishing nothing but success to you
It’s less obvious in this game cause of the scale
But they DID change. Peter is taking a break from Spider-Man to move on to his actual career. And Miles is now more confident of being able to balance his spider and miles life.
absolutely lost it when he talked about stories in video games and showed sonic getting kissed lol
Dude said the combats to hard and called it a problem
Wait you got it wrong.
This is shocker ☠️☠️☠️💀💀💀
The Human Spider wears checks AND stripes. What does that meeeeean?
Yeah man, I have similar feelings about Spider-Man 2. I enjoyed it but just not as much as the first one. The story-telling wasn't as strong but it was still a really fun game. I'm hoping if we get DLC it will tighten things up a bit.
Good stuff lol.
The problem with spiderman 2 is simple, the game became woke! The wokeness from this game, is just crazy. The story is not that great, not much venom in the game, no police, mary jane looks like a monster and acts like 007, Peter looks almost the same age as Miles, beside the fact he is much older, the vilians are not develop at all, etc and etc. The game is not bad, but the 1 game is better. The video game industry is suffering from the same thing from movie industry. Companies prioratise shit politics and milking money from the franchise until he dies. This game already feel the beggining of the end from spiderman from playstation, now they want to do like movie industry, make a spiderman 3 game without spiderman loool. Spiderman is Peter Parker, not Miles Morales! Just need to check the sales diference between Perter parker game and Miles game! The game with peter parker sold way but way more copies, almost the triple! People in movies or in games want to see they favorite characters, not others!
This should have 2 mil views
Feels like a less fun and somewhat neutered Scott the Woz. Made some good points though.
Hey Zenkai Goose, like your setup/quality of videos. Happen to have a list to your equipment you use? Also, big Spider-man fan here that collects vintage shirts. Loved that video and definitely subbed