How Hard should “YOU” Train (Legs)
So the question is simple how hard should you train legs. In this video I go over just that. I will take you through a leg workout and …
So the question is simple how hard should you train legs. In this video I go over just that. I will take you through a leg workout and …
For the rest of the body parts click on this playlist:
Who’s watching 2024 ? El perro del monte 🇲🇽/ the mountain dog
The nicest person I’ve ever seen
Until you cant walk? LOL!!!!!
A true master .God rest you, Sir. Killer information…will use it today.
Miss you!
We are still here John and we love you. Todays workout is for you legend❤
I hate leg days but John’s enthusiasm gets me though
Thank You
Sure wish there were more men like this in the world! 💪🏻
I love the plastic whip. John loved his family so much. What an amazing man…. wish he was still with us.
Found you to late Mr. Meadows. Greatest person in body building community. RIP John. Thank you to whoever keeps mountaindog videos on YouTube .
When Japanese tell you ‘N O’, you all run away like Crazy MOFOs.
Proper AYK, it sits on between Achilles heel and the Heel.
I thought i was training hard until i change the way i work out…..i lost out on gains but now my muscles will grow alot more
Man… I miss John! So thankful for these videos
14:00 me standing next to my trainer the mountain dog
I wish he was still around, what a great guy.
Anyone know how many rest days he would take after a leg day like this?
If your legs are sore after your workout you're doing something right.
Why would I take advice from John meadows about nutrition when he died before even hitting 50. You all make fun of vegans on here for eating a plant based diet yet this guy can’t even make it to 50 . 😂I enjoy laughing now for all the ridicule you give to vegans who mind their own business . These RIP messages make me laugh now . Pathetic
Due to john’s teaching I wake up every day sore and beat up. But I know I did it to myself in the gym by following his advice.
Nice trick Alexander!!! Keep it up!