High School Graduation Party Ends in Disaster | xQc Reacts

Video: https://youtu.be/E6ZwdHP3-RI
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44 thoughts on “High School Graduation Party Ends in Disaster | xQc Reacts

  1. is is normal to be drunk and driving in US? Here in Sweden im sure it happens, but if someone knew someone was planning on doing that he would be stopped and shamed before he could do it. If you go to a party you already have someone who can come and get you after, or you bike home or take a taxi. Reason I ask this is because they seemed like its so normal when she asked if they are drunk driving and the girl answered yes like its obvious.

  2. Ya she’s nuts. Probably drunk but still. The cops could’ve also not hunted the charges so hard and attended to a drunk persons needs. They pressed her way too hard and caused her to freak, she’s obviously a nervous person/drunk and all they did was pressure her for her name. They could’ve been soft and offered her water and kept her out of cuffs and still got what they wanted. They are record hunting.

  3. she was a baby like wildly dramatic but they grabbed her with no prior reason which led to her getting disorderly and got her age well she was under duress from the police technically kidnapping her so she could win money off this with the right lawyer

  4. I don’t get how parties get like this. I been to so many that have hella drugs and shit and no one is unhinged like this lol. Hood parties are even more tame. All of the people got Ubers home not a single person would drive drunk.

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