Hidden Jan. 6 Transcript Revealed

Real Story of Jan 6: https://ept.ms/3vhRqoS The Jan 6 Tapes: https://ept.ms/3TwKLk8 Jan 6: Long Way Home: …


38 thoughts on “Hidden Jan. 6 Transcript Revealed

  1. They wanted a problem. The several vans of men allowed in by capital guards was proof J6 was all planned. WH staff was all in on the fix, I'm guessing. The permanent swamp is worried about being fired. Trump is too open with his ideas. He had never dealt with ungodly people like those in DC. Public is so dumb. Satan is taking over getting ready for ruling this world. He's taking the people without any resistance.

  2. Yes, we know. The media just never publicized it. Leaving Nancy's & Chuckie's narrative. Nancy was notified but declined. We have known that. But again, media has failed, and pollys have concealed this information.

  3. This was put forth in the testimony by Kash Patel and others after they testified in front of the J6 Committee and it was suppressed. Liz Cheney , Bernie Thompson, Adam Kitzinger and others on that Committee are all complicit in this action. Finally the proof is coming out, but it's still not widely known, other than by those who listen to or watch Epoch Times. Journalism at it's worst by the main stream media.

  4. If Trump had forced National Guard troops on Pelosi she would have said the troops aided in the scam insurrection. She rejected them because she knew how many corrupt deep state rat feds were in the crown to set up the "insurrection". She did not want National Guard arresting them, exposing them or stopping their plan…

  5. This is a deliberately disrespectful attempt by Anti American , AntiChrist, AntiChristian , Leftist and Liberal , Google owned Echo Chamber YouTube, under the lie of " Context" , to put a Wikipedia Article , on any Conservative , Christian, Pro – Life, Pro- Faith and Family, Channel , such as " Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov" ,as well as " LifeSite News" , both on YouTube, that the Man – made AI , does NOT like a viewpoint that disagrees with the Liberal and Leftist Fake News and False Narratives.

  6. More proof of Trump offering troops to maintain order 6 Jan. Dems been lying for years and claimed he never did. Again, caught in their own lies. Russia-gate and every other attempt to frame him has ended in their own deceit and lies being exposed. The Stalinist 6 Jan "committee" proved to be the liars everyone knows they are.

  7. Not sure but, isn’t it a law that exculpatory evidence HAS TO BE SHOWN to a grand jury, judge etc.? There are so many treasonous, traitorous rat bastards in positions of power! They ALL need to go!

  8. Trump retook presidency using flags signs and maga hats capitol police say they pointed fingers saying bang bang and we thought our lives were in danger

  9. Let the ones who attacked police or destroyed property pay damages and dismiss everyone else no harm done to congress members builing wasnt burnt to own and no further damaged release and dissmiss alll charges investigate ashli babbitt murder why was she shot point blank if that was blm that woulda ignited a worst riot and those cp woulda had to run for their lives

  10. The fact there is one of those blue codes here, it means the democrats are covering up the truth. We the people knew the National Guard should have been set in place. For several weeks the talk was that there was going to be trouble in Washington on that Day due to elections. The fact that the troops were not already there, proves this was another planned event.

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