He’s Skinny But INSANELY Strong! (HERE’S HOW)

Have you wondered how someone can be skinny but insanely strong? In this video, I am going to cover how Jesse is not the …


39 thoughts on “He’s Skinny But INSANELY Strong! (HERE’S HOW)

  1. VIEWER GIVEAWAY – I’m giving away my brand new complete 90 Day Beaxst PPL program to 40 lucky clickers within the first hour this video is published! Remember, this is NOT THE FIRST 40, but those randomly selected within the first hour the video is published. Click the link to see if you’ve won. No strings attached! Clicking twice does nothing. Only one entry per video. Remember to watch to the end for more workouts.

    If you don’t win, no worries, you’re not going away empty handed. Just be sure you have your notifications turned on so you can get to my next video quickly and try again. Good luck and thanks for being a loyal subscriber…

  2. Jesse's physical and mental transformation could be the most impressive on the internet. He really did this the right way through honest and smart work. Hats off to him, he is low key undoing a lot of harm caused by roided dishonest influencers. Great example to guys wanting to make that change

  3. As a guy who has just started his training journey for the third time, just entering his thirties, as much as Jeff is an inspiration and coach to us all, Jesse, dude, I hope you know that YOU and not Jeff is my fitness goal. Don't juice, and don't let the noise get to your head. If anything you're the upper end of my fitness goal. I am to hit 155 and see how I feel about that last ten pounds, but your strength to weigh ratio and overall physique is my poster board material.

  4. Impressive but also his body type is more lean than some. My family body type is short and stalky, my husband is tall and lean type. I think keeping cardio up along with a switch or alternating intensity and volume during weightlifting gives the most benefits but some people will always appear bulkier depending on body type / genetics too.

  5. My friend who lifts weights competitively took me to the gym yesterday and it was my first time ever. He was really impressed with what I did and said it's peculiar how I am as strong as I am. I am 6ft and a lot skinnier than you are from the looks of the video. I have been given the encouragement now to go full time. Although today it's nearly impossible to stand up due to the pain in my thighs. I was told this is normal as I have never been active before really my whole life. Im assuming thats why I find it almost impossible to move 😂

  6. Bruce Lee was 5'7 or 1,73 and just 140 lbs or 65 kgs and was definitely stronger than this random guy and lot of you that go to the gym everyday for hours.
    Wanna compare strength to someone strong for his size ?
    Compare them to Bruce Lee.
    And btw, Bruce would kick your a$$ in a heartbeat, he was not just an actor 😂😂😂

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