Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Street Race

0:00 – Armed Street Racing
6:18 – Taser Party
8:50 – Don’t Hit Firefighters
11:45 – Surprising Sentencing?

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43 thoughts on “Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Street Race

  1. Even in the aouthern USA, the srupid cops still try and catch offroad vehicles with cars and suvs. They need to watch how its done in Brazil and other countries that actually handle it. Police could easily have officers on, quads, motorcycles, sirtbikes, CANAM spigers, etc. All of these can be used all the rest of the time, so they are not an expense that doesn't pay off. They can buy them all with proceeds from selling off the impounded vehicles and collected fines.

  2. This happens all the time in St Louis, but the City police department is too understaffed to deal with the local natives so it just keeps going on

  3. dudes yelling "stop reaching for your waistband" while both his hands are being held by MULTIPLE officers ABOVE HIS HEAD

    hes just looking for justification for when he starts shooting.. pathetic

  4. Permanent suspension of driver's licenses. Seizure of any vehicles involved. Mandatory jail time. Massive fines. Shut this stupid crap down. It's just getting worse because the weak consequences these violators keep facing.

  5. That’s pretty funny, at least in that first video it got squashed at the end and they were as cool as could be expected, considering the incident that just took place.

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