Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Jump Out a Moving Car


24 thoughts on “Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Jump Out a Moving Car

  1. Can I just say a big Thank You 👍 to this channel,for including the state,along with saying what Police Department is involved..😏
    I do actually know that Dayton is in Ohio,but often times in these videos they'll say the date the incident occured,and name the PD..but Hell,half the time idk where that even is. 🙄

  2. Outstanding lads, you are true men in blue. No hesitation, no apprehension, just methodical and clear decisions with an excellent athletic level. The world needs more like you.

  3. I love all the teamwork in this videos especially when the officer blocked the van. I love how they tackle the man and dived for him all these cops did a great job.

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