Hellblade 2 Review “Buy, Wait, Never Touch?”

Hellblade 2 Review “Buy, Wait, Gamepass, Never Touch?” Hellblade II is set in 10th century Iceland. It centers around the warrior …


49 thoughts on “Hellblade 2 Review “Buy, Wait, Never Touch?”

  1. i was looking forward to this game since i liked the original. but yeah..top notch visuals and audio but besides a few fights more or less a 6 hour walking simulator as mentioned

  2. Watching this guys reviews is like logging off twitter and talking to that smart cousin you have at a family event. You're reminded that people are mostly level-headed. Or at least you get that spark of hope.

  3. It’s hard to appreciate this games visuals since the developers force heavy amounts of depth of field which blurs 70% of the image majority of the time.

    Because of that and other blurring effects like film grain, vignette, chromatic aberration. The game looks like shit to me apart from the facial animations. Easily forgettable visually and someone should ban developers from forcing black bars and horrible features like depth of field

  4. you missed one crucial point
    there is replayability in this game
    you can replay it with a different narrator voice
    that reveal the entire story in a different perspective which is quite cool

  5. Is it only me that is irritated by the voice in her head? To top it off why are recent games only female characters? Besides earlier generations of sexy tomb raider, I do not enjoy playing female characters.

  6. ACG thanks for this game review. This game is truly amazing I loved it. I stopped to just look at the moon in the dark sky and then all of a sudden a giant came busting through the ground seeing lava coming from the cracks , looking at everything as a was trying to out run the giant. The whole scene was breathtaking and listening to the game through my 3D audio headphones 🎧 amazing. A 8.5/10 for me. This game is dope.

  7. I liked it. Not all games have to be 100 hours. I have stopped playing so many games due to the unnecessary grinding. It's not a perfect game but it is a nice experience.

  8. Frankly, when I saw the first teaser for this game, I discovered Heilung and now have 3 of their albums. I really enjoyed the first game and am very eager to play this second installment!

  9. Huh. I thought this would be rated "wait for a deep sale."
    I loved the first game. I played it a few times, gifted it to a few friends, made some friends come over to play it, and let some use my loaner PC. All I can say about this one is that it is so linear and dumbed down, with a story that isn't anywhere near as meaningful as the original, that it it might as well just be watched on YouTube.
    My first gripe was the terrible aspect ratio, but luckily that can be fixed on PC a few different ways. But then after finishing it, I was surprised it was over. It ended abruptly in an unsatisfying way. I thought there was going to be a final fight, but unlike the excellent finale of the original, the twist at the end of Hellblade 2 was painfully bad, and rendered the whole experience inconsequential. Supposedly there are different viewpoints to play through. I haven't tried that yet, but I just don't want to waste any more of my life on it.
    I almost feel like Microsoft told them to release it now, even if it was far from finished.
    Then I found out Tameem Antoniades, who wrote and directed the first Hellblade, and co-founded Ninja Theory 24 years ago, left the company quite a while ago. Apparently he only worked on Hellblade 2 at the very start. I don't know why he left, but the game is a mess.
    So odd to hear this compared favorably to SOMA when Karak hated that game.

  10. Thanks for the review. I think most people hating on this make the ignorant mistake of expecting a gameplay heavy thing like a Call of Duty or Baldur's Gate or Assassin's Creed or whatnot. This is less of a video game and more of an experience. Should be treated more like an interactive, very high quality tailor made movie. I just finished this and loved it. Now, is it worth the launch price? That's probably what most will harp about since its over in 6-8 hours and the replay value is…eh. But then again, is a 20-40$ trip to the cinema worth it? In this case, the experience is objectively great in my opinion, as opposed to going to a movie you know nothing about. This thing has incredible animations, art design, voice acting and performances. If nothing else, Melina Juergens deserves ALL the awards for her performance as Senua, both here and in the first game.

  11. For me, Hellblade 2 is a masterpiece and on another level. I understand it’s not for everyone and you really need to know what this game is before you play it but God was it a thrill ride

  12. It took you 9 hours? How?? Did you only use the walk button and stop to watch the rocks every 5 minutes? This misery simulator is clearly a never touch or get on deep deep sale.

  13. I’m on the closing chapter or so and damn have I been impressed. I have always been a graphics nut but not enough to get on a PC. Playing the first Gears of War on the 360 was when I knew we were leaps and bounds ahead of what the OG Xbox could handle. This game pretty much takes the cake for being that experience for me on the Series X. Although action is something I really look forward to in a game, it was a nice step back from relentless action for the sake of building an experience that feels more rooted in a story rather than unless hordes of enemies. Every action sequence feels intentional and purposeful for driving the narrative forward. This was a nice change up for me from traditional run and gun, hack and slash types of games I’m used to. Looking forward to playing it again to uncover all the hidden story elements.

  14. People seem to have an issue with games that push narrative over gameplay, but I think the most important thing is vision.

    Art has the ability to be whatever it wants to be, confined only by its medium but even then such a medium can and should be stretched, played with, destroyed even. If the vision is strong, if it doesn't betray itself by appealing to an audience it wasn't made for, I will always commend it.

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