Heart disease press release
Our world in data excess mortality https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-average-baseline?country=~JPN …
Our world in data excess mortality https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-average-baseline?country=~JPN …
a very interesting press release
Sir I'm from India my name samuel your research is real plz keep your help full mind for this world thankyou sir I'm cleared to this problem becouse death is unexpected. 💔💔💔
That's why they waved any liability or consequences for their actions before releasing it .
John try and get Geert Bosshe on
Route cause no one cares about route causes of anything. No money in that or someone might be found guilty of something/coverups.
People keep this alive! Pound the government!
We know! The elephant in the room! The “C” CURE??? 🤐 ??? Why government is silent! We know that also they are complicit 🤫
These things wake you up, maybe not all conspiracy theorists are nutjobs. Seeing all this covid censorship and trying to put it all under a rug.. thats eye opening.
What is the solution and treatment to avoid future complications? Anyone?
No it happened before that
We all know why John its their "solution" we can't alter what has happened but we can look for effective anti coagulants and watch and warn against more interventions
Depends whether the deaths are an unforseen side effect or the desired outcome for their depopulation agenda, this could be the thin end of the coming wedge.
They will never question this one without implicating themselves, just a jab in the dark.
You're not alone from Australia.
I imagine the rate of Heart disease will decrease when we accept the facts and do something about it that isn't expected…
What is the remedy? Majority of the comments here are guys bragging how they didn't take the Covid shot 😟.
Just a thought but them giants those scientists found are said not to be humans. So knowing the scientists scapping crap from places like bat caves. Do you think they probably with Dr jekyll somewhere put in them vaccines hence the heart problems.
These excess deaths are just going to increase as the human cells create more spike protein. Ivermectin is able to neutralise the spike protein, so for safeties sake every jabbed person must take regular Ivermectin.
Remember, back in the old old days, when most physicians, at entering medical practice, really meant the oath taken to "FIRST, DO NO HARM." too bad the ppl who make the "medications" for public "health" donot have that honorable attitude. "Do unto others as you would have them do to you." JESUS CHRIST SAID. "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." " Do violence to NO man", Jesus Christ said. Think, if you can begin to imagine, the wonderful world we would be living in ! if people listed to the words of the Son of God written in the Bibie ! In all fairness, many, if not most, physicians trusted their governments & had no clue as to what these globalists were "up‐to" with these vaxes. At first, at least. They were deceived & betrayed also. Like docJ.C. believed the brit-gov meant to do right by their ppl. but we all were betrayed by our rulers. Look up (research) Georgia Guidestones & see what you discover ! They were revealing to us their wicked murderous plans. see the Bible=John chapter 8 verses 42‐47. These wicked men are children of the devil, according to JesusChrist, they are doing his bidding=obedience to what he tells them he wants them to do. They are witches, very simply stated. i don't know about Australia, but there are GOBS of ppl in the USA today who knowingly deliberately serve the dev ! No wonder the HOLY God of Heaven has given the USA & nations of Europe over to the dev. God judges nations for wickedness; the Bible is plain on that issue (& many others). The Nazis, & Germany's demise under them, was a modern example given by God of that very truth ! The devil & his crowd can be 'in power' & appear to be 'the winner' for a time, but in the end, GOD WINS. & as 1 fine godly bible scholar said, "The wheels of God's justice turn s‐l‐o‐w‐l‐y, but when they do they grind very finely.". The word of God says, "The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief corner stone. Whosoever shall fall upon this stone >>shall be broken<, BUT UPON WHOMSOEVER IT SHALL FALL, IT SHALL GRIND HIM TO POWDER.". Either we humble ourselves before God & receive his pardon & forgiveness for our sins (against Him<<) OR His justice will come to us, & that means punishment for all our sins, large & petty. So it isn't only these wicked elitest globalists who desire to rule over all of us & believe the devil they have been serving will set‐them‐up in power >>in his kingdom who will be jugded by Allmighty God for their wicked lives, BUT IT IS EVERY MAN. For the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is THE standard by which ALL men will be judged, & NONE OF US measure up to THAT standard ! It is written, " For all men have sinned & fallen short of God's glory.".(that means =His FLAWLESS righteousness & Holiness !) JC never sinned ! NEVER. He lived the sinless life we could not & did not live, right here in this wicked world ! & He offers that unflawed life TO US, A FREE GIFT, so we can be justified in his sight FOREVER. When i first told God/Jesus Christ that i believe he died on the cross FOR ME, FOR MY SINS, & that i accept his offer of forgiveness & pardon, & repentance<<, which also is a gift from God, He ERASED the record(littany) of my many sins, as it were, with the blood of JC ! That is what the blood of Jesus does when we humble ourselves before Him & pray (sincerely) for his salvation ! Paul wrote in Acts (a bk in the bible) "And it shall come to pass that ALL WHO CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED.".
And also, "God has granted the sinners repentance toward salvation.". And it is written, "The day comes that God will judge every man according to the deeds he has done while he was in his body.". & @ the end of Psalm•62, "Also to you O Lord God (Jah) belongs mercy, for you render to [=reward/repay] EVERY MAN according to his works [=deeds, actions].😩 I would not want to be in the shoes of any man, on his judgment day, if he is not "in Christ"; If he has not called upon God for pardon of his sins. & again it is written, "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.".
Might I suggest that the 20% estimate might be accurate if you blame the production of the "new" bio weapon on those who commissioned it.
Can you do a video on anything we can do to purge the vac from our system.