He Messed Around and Found Out
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As a reminder, all individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
The individuals presented in these videos may be suffering from the effects of alcohol, drug abuse, a mental health disorder or simply having a bad day. The videos should NOT be presumed to be representative of their general behavior. If you know someone in one of these videos, please treat them with respect and courtesy.
The world is full of misleading content related to law enforcement; accordingly, it’s incredibly important to provide transparency, insight and context to educate and inform the public.
Gosh the detainee sounds like he could be Mike Lindell’s cousin
When I heard the tough talk I knew he was soft. Tough guys like him make great girlfriends in prison..
I did not punch the lie!
As an official member of the human race and as such “a person” I wish to deny the fact that this….. what ever he is, is a person. He has not now nor at anytime been a person. General consensus of the other persons here in the room is that he is in fact a morphendite.
I love the American Justice Sytem. We all sit here and watch people commit crimes, and at the end they are still "innocent until proven guilty".
2 overgrown children
This cop is a badge heavy dickhead
The cop is a fuckin liar the guy never shoved him. That’s why cops are shit.
I did not puck the toe duck diver 🤭
Just one more way that alcohol will ruin your life.
The first guy that punched the tow truck driver, Is this guy drunk or affected by drugs or is he fully sober and just an unhinged psychopath?
Dude, learn to remain calm and people will listen to you. I'm sad for the Dad of the bipolar guy. You HAVE to make it mandatory that he takes his meds and doesn't drink or he's out, no matter how bad it hurts.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
And did he think THAT would work? 13:08
It never ceases to amaze me . . .
With three-quarters of these vids, if I close my eyes and imagine the suspects' voices into a 10-year old's voice and hear the cops voices as "gentle but firm" parents' voices, it's crazy accurate to that scenario.
The game plan of every misbehavin' child.
i know hes drunk but i must be blind if i missed the part where he shoved the cop
That poor dad probably had to deal with this for an extended amount of time before he actually called the cops. Somebody must have told that guy previously that sergeants are the people you need to talk to if you get arrested.
"so you're having some left knee pain right now?"
"yes… and my wrists… and my head… and my back… and everything" sounded like coach mcguirk lmao
the blurring is ridiculous
0:31 "who the hell is who?" immediately made me think of "who the fuck are the Knutsens?"
piece of sh@# cop pushes the guy twice then tells him to quit pushing him and proceeds to arrest him. what a coward
Geez, that escalated before it even got started 😂😂