He Made Sure Police Recorded His Crime

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36 thoughts on “He Made Sure Police Recorded His Crime

  1. Man that guy cop was kind of escalating the situation, the chick cop was actually trying her hardest to deescalate the situation. I think regardless this dude was going away in cuffs that night BUT the guy cop that walked up on him & then said "don't walk up on me" was clearly lying, then pushed the pod gut dude… Like if that were anyone else you'd be allowed to defend yourself with proportionate force. I know its a grey area but still that guy cop should have been acting like the chick cop & second guy cop that arrived.

  2. The guy is dumb. but honestly why do they challenge the dope. these new age cops love catching people in the middle of emotional disputes and running them in. Domestic disputes have changed man.

  3. Oh, y'know I've been wondering what 'super-chill' actually looks like. I would never have imagined it looks exactly like a grotesque naked fat bastard body-checking a police officer. Like, that's almost, almost exactly the opposite. I'd have guessed, like, a guy in sunglasses and a light-weight summer suit in a deeply cool velveteen, lounging on a sofa, sipping a martini while telling an amusing anecdote about his labradors in the gentle caramel tones of a late-night radio host. Learn something new every day.

  4. To the female officer you are the perfect example of who a good strong officer is as you controlled the situation and still shows that you are responsible.congratulations

  5. If this was my neighbor at 3:30am I would set off the alarm on both my cars and start blasting music, mowing my lawn and running my generator! That guy should have been immediately arrested for causing a public disturbance. It's 3:30 am, STFU

  6. Are you guys serious? Are you really serious? You guys are f”ed. You know that right? I know my rights! I KNOW MY RIGHTS!!!! What am I arrested for? I was defending myself. I was DEFENDING myself! Why am I being arrested? I was defending myself. You know that right? Is this on camera? You know you’re f’ed right? Is this on camera? I’m suing you. I’m suing you SO BAD!!!! You know that right?

  7. Randy Marsh with man knockers. “ what’d I do!? I thought this was merica “! The only shame with these is I don’t get the second payoff of seeing their faces when they find out their “rights” don’t cover what they think they do

  8. I know this comment section is filled with half men that rely on Dady government but if a man wearing a costume came onto my property and told me I wasn't gonna step towards him he would be mistaken

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