He Got Out of Jail & Then Did THIS

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34 thoughts on “He Got Out of Jail & Then Did THIS

  1. 1:38 … by all means Chris. We will most certainly call your attorney RIGHT NOW to come out to this very rural, deserted road out in the middle of nowhere. I’m sure he’ll be here right away. 🙄 You have him on speed dial, I’m sure.

  2. That cop is so wrong and that was so fucked up what he did. Smh I hope this guy sues and wins lots of money because he didn't do anything, he wasn't detained, he wasn't arrest … Cops are disgusting these days. He handled that completely wrong! Hate the cops

  3. I can’t believe this officer tried to get this guy into custody alone; he made several mistakes during the encounter; the most terrifying one was getting inside the perp’s reactionary zone. If he had been hiding a firearm or a knife inside his jacket, the officer would be in very bad shape.

  4. I can’t believe this officer tried to get this guy into custody alone. He made several mistakes during the encounter; the most terrifying one was getting inside the perp’s reactionary zone. If he had been hiding a firearm or a knife inside his jacket, the officer would be in very bad shape.

  5. I get the feeling not only do they have history with this guy, they either know him or grew up with him.

    I knew someone like Chris. Knew. The guy was smart, talented musician and just headed down that dark road of drugs. Never got clean and after a while everyone just gave up. It was like a slow suicide. They found him behind a building one winter after he od'd. I so hope Chris has a lightbulb moment when he's sober.😢

  6. What is the deal with these criminal cops, who stop people who have done NOTHING
    wrong. Are they on an arrest quota??? They need to be in prison for this abuse. Just ONE person please tell me what the innocent guy did to deserve this abuse? This is disturbing!

  7. The person who called didn’t need to! Oh he almost fell! Well dummy people do trip and fall it’s natural! Your such a dumb a$$ for calling the cops on someone who tripped 🤦🏼‍♀️

  8. The cops are always using the excuse "we got a call, so we had to respond "., this is total b.s. I've call for the police to help, when my house got broken into, and they didn't even want to show up to investigate. I've called the police for help when my car was broken into, and the bad guy's were trying to steal my car..and again the 911 operator didn't want to send any officer out to investigate , because ,as she said " the thives are probably already gone by now" [even though the crime was still only 1 minute ago ]. Cops are worthless piles of sh_t in my opinion !

  9. They got a call…someone was walking along side a canal…big crime there ? Leave people alone, mind your own business, and none of this abuse by cops would be necessary !

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