He Got Caught on Video in 4K
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The individuals presented in these videos may be suffering from the effects of alcohol, drug abuse, a mental health disorder or simply having a bad day. The videos should NOT be presumed to be representative of their general behavior. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect.
Midwest Safety works to promote transparency in government while providing educational, informative and local news coverage to empower the public with knowledge of the Criminal Justice System.
Cop was on a power trip from the start
Police misconduct is blatant on this video. They treated the man like a dangerous criminal for merely speaking in a manner the cop didn't appreciate. What was the cop shouting when he suddenly started manhandling the guy? He was shouting "shut up". Not "you are under arrest, turn around an place your hands behind your back". But later on the cop says the man resisted arrest. All you could hear the man saying during the scuffle were pleas to stop the violence. Which the officer apparently didn't agree to.
Can you see the issue, yes or no? Very much looks like a case of bow to me or get hurt. If you really want this treatment to be the norm for your fellow humans, then keep pretending it's cool. I hope you are perfect enough to never have anything to fear from the police. It's always your fault if the cop doesn't like you, right?
Of course the lady will want to be nearby after she learns the cops are just going to town on the man, for no particular reason. She didn't call the mafia or a biker gang to attack the man. She called LAW enforcement in the hopes of a calm resolution. She has the right to be there as a witness, emotional support for the abused, and also as a qualified health professional that happens to be available.
I'm noticing that these videos are always full if Boomers or Gen Z. Depressing.
Idiots all the way around.
Shocker the drunk dude wants to get mouthy and aggressive then gets his ass arrested lol. Cop had zero patience for him.
Take her to jail also
Gee, I can't imagine why his wife would divorce him.
i´m not drunk, muahahaha ^^
Cops power tripping crying like a baby "you aint gonna speak to me like that" its not against the law to hurt your feelings cupcake
Cop only scared of black people not white people. 2:17 Cop was wrong because if drunk black man talk like that to a cop like that they wasn't did anything
This type of southern is impossible to deal with let's be real
So all i took from the first few mins of video is cops feel goods got hurt by dudes tone of voice so cop decided to toss him around real aggressively to teach him not to use your first amendment right.
I think they deserve each other. Tweedledum and Tweedledumber.
So freedom of speech got him ran up on the wall. And be handled aggressively. Thats weird.
Cops were right to arrest him but about 3 min in when the cop shoved him against the wall the cop over reacted. The guy said I told you once bare with me are you going to bare with me while he was on the phone…cop got mad and escalated, got physical and shoved him real quick. All because he didn't liked being talked to like that… I'm not sure resisting arrest was justice.
COPS SPREAD HATE! Had no right to cuff guy. He has free speech. SUE SUE SUE !
She is at fault …. He's a mean drunk… But she is an enabler. Don't call the police for stupid stuff you can fix.
I don't understand why she called the police . What did she think they was gunna do come give him a good talking to like the fuck these hoes really need to stop gettin mad and in the moment call the police when as soon as the police get their they crying
Im so sick of people calling the police then when they get there they get upset for them doing their job!! They always say "But i dont want him/her to go to jail. " .. then why the heck did you call because they not friggin on call baby sitters for adult drunk babies its rediculous.
Of course her name is Crystal…
She's as disgusting as her boyfriend!
No body cares that you're a nurse. Sick of hearing that crap.
Lady, then don't call the cops when he beats the crap out of you !
Here’s the deal – smirks like Biden
Mommy, all the other kid's are being " MEAN TO ME" I didn't do nothing to them !
To all nurses out there : “ nobody cares you are a nurse ! “
That cop is a psychopath
Big guy wants to act like a tough guy, turns out he's just Barry the bad ass!
Her self-esteem is craptastic.
The cop was taking that way too personal, what happened to innocent until proven guilty.. she said she didn’t want him to go jail, meaning he was innocent not sure how he’s gonna charge him with disorderly conduct, when he had done nothing wrong at the point when he put the cuffs on him?
I don't understand, if the police come, want to talk to you, shouldn't you handle the situation instead of answering your phone.
a drug addict nurse now thats trustworthy, I bet she isn;t employable as a nurse right now
Youre gonna make excuses for him? You deserve each other, stop wasting the officers time you losers.
Both of these people are ANNOYING!!
I would love to know how these people find each other. I Always wanted to find me a nurse who's a recovered addict that gambles at the local gas station, lets me drive her around drunk all day arguing and she Sympathizes with my divorce and sticks up for me, after she calls the cops! I moving to Arkansas!
I can’t believe that officer got all huffy because the guy said “I’m not going to tell you twice.” I can’t understand why the officer felt so threatened unless he was a little bitty cop or something. I watch a lot of these arrest videos and I’ve never seen an officer snap so quick because somebody talked back to them.
If you're not serious, then dont call the officers. Otherwise, they have the right to use their judgment, not yours.
that first cop messed up by going hands on when the other guy hurt his feelings
Yeee Haaaaw
"Everybody knows, when you're in handcuffs your eye test may or may not be true."
Why are they so mean? lol this is gotta be a skit
I can't see why his wife would want to leave.
Im so proud of this police officer. They should not tolerate any disrespect, or verbally abuse from anyone. These people when their stopped by police officers they immediately become abusive, rude. Swearing so nastily. No decency, or respect. No police officers should tolerate any disrespect. Or abuse from anyone.
"You have probably drank before."
Great grammar.
I love how people think they can order the police around.
The whole blow suck situation with the breathalyzer has me in tears
That looked wrong the way the cop qabbed him. He was literally just talking..
That cop was definitely in his feelings. Don’t try deescalation at all. The suspect appears to be a PoS but the officer could have handled it better. I’ve seen sovereign citizens treat officers much more disrespectfully