HA Goodman “Bernie Sanders Will Win in A Landslide” — Full Interview

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26 thoughts on “HA Goodman “Bernie Sanders Will Win in A Landslide” — Full Interview


    More info will be provide about his personal life and doctors he has attended with for counciling. None of his predictions ever come true. He is an unhinged conspiracy theorists. It's is likely he is still operating from his mother's basement where he is several months past due on his rent.

  2. A US president is responsible to open up new centers of profit for big business. Oil of course is the classic. Trades deals too. The whole debt driven economy though is fundamental to domestic policy. Robbing oil from the Middle East and using force to discipline the world is no less essential in world economics than delivering the US people to big business to exploit for underpaid work, consumer debt ripoff, and cannon fodder within foreign markets and foreign expansion.

  3. She wasn't 'successful' out of the gate, it's just that the polls were not really current and not in touch with social media, reality out on the street, 'we the people', etc.

  4. Haha, yes it will be a landslide. Conditions indicate it, this is a historic time.
    Mainstream media is CLUELESS – I was telling my mother (she watches mainstream) well before Iowa. She was doubtful. Bernie did wonderfully well with NO mainstream coverage almost, prior to that. Then NH – sure, they thought he would win, but NOT BY SO MUCH, haha. Now my mother is starting to believe what I tell her, and how clueless the mainstream media is.

  5. Sorry HA Goodman, Bernie is NOT a Warmonger!  Bernie WILL talk to DEATH, before he declares War on any Country!  Truth is, he will WAIT until they try to invade America, before he place us into danger!  Then, ALL OF US will VOLUNTEER to KICK AZZ and Teach those bastards a LESSON!  DON'T YOU DARE FUCK WITH US!    We may appear to be SOFT, but we're trying to AVOID KILLING INNOCENT'S!

  6. I totally agree with Goodman!  BERNIE WILL WIN BY A LANDSLIDE!Why, because REPUBLICAN'S will be crossing over because they are so DISGUSTED with their TRUMP'S REPUBLICAN PARTY!

  7. Bernie sanders can't win. This country is still capitalist. And Bernie sanders is absolutely horrible when it comes to foreign policy! That question will come up in a presidential debate and he's going to look like an idiot! Isis is a real threat climate change is not. You can't change climate. Climate changes on its on. The military is going to hate him and you're going to see a huge push back. Bernie sanders is not the person you think it is. The only reason people want him is because he offers free stuff and more money. That's it

  8. Hilary is a corporatist pure and simple. The corporations are determined to crush the people of this country. We cannot have another president ruled by the Big Banks or that owe big campaign contributions to the Private Prison Industry.

  9. The Clinton Admin. was NOT all that great. Bill said he would not support NAFTA. Then he pushed it thru Congress. He was part of the whole, "Let's de-regulate the banks and let's get rid of Glass-Steagel" that led to the economic crisis in 2008. And the Communications Act of ….Also he & Hilary started the whole Corporate "New Democrat" idea where they walked away from labor and African Americans and social justice in general. Remember "trianguation" which turned Democratic Leadership Council Dems into Republican Lite?

  10. I have been following Goodman's articles on the Huff Post and have really appreciated his clarity and ability to cut through the mainstream media BS and blindspots. As he explains in this video, I have wondered the exact same thing he is discussing, why on earth would blacks and hispanics in the US support Hilary, when Sanders has a clear history of commitment to these communities, is trustworthy, and has lead the way in talking about them.

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