H. A. Goodman: Why I’m Voting Bernie Sanders Over Clinton or Trump – in 60 seconds

My name is H. A. Goodman and I’m an author, columnist and journalist. Why do I write about Bernie and why am I only voting for …


21 thoughts on “H. A. Goodman: Why I’m Voting Bernie Sanders Over Clinton or Trump – in 60 seconds

  1. I just wish someone knew if Bernie has filed the required paperwork and/or gotten petitions/paid fees, etc., that would make him a viable write -in candidate in the many states (mine included) that require potential write -in nominees to do before those votes would be counted.
    Does ANYBODY know?!?

  2. Question: Why not get behind Jill Stein and Green Party? Her platform is the same as Bernie's, and if we cannot have an effective write-in campaign, why not use our votes to immediately make viable a 3rd party. It would make history, even if they didn't win, but the fact is, we need a new alternative to the current broken two party system which is sick with corruption.

    I would like to see a viable 3rd party, maybe Bernie would follow us. He was independent afterall, he could return to his roots.

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