H.A. Goodman on Bernie Sanders


15 thoughts on “H.A. Goodman on Bernie Sanders

  1. also this poll is not accurate at all… the poll only included regestered dems who only voted in the last primarys… 80% of 18-31 year Olds didn't vote…

    if you take one political science 101 class you will learn how to choose demographics and create an accountable poll… so bad

  2. I've seen very little talk about this PR spin in relation to the polls, of course expected from mainstream media, but even lacking from the more progressive youtube channels. It's been mentioned in passing manner but nothing in depth as here, so thank you Benjamin (and sane progressive) for bringing it to the forefront.

  3. Hahaha as if you'll get any young people answering a landline!
    I'm 22, I actually do have a landline in my house and every time it rings I run away from it. If you want to hear young people's opinions then take into account online polls or start calling mobiles (highly doubt the latter would happen). These "scientific" polls are actually very un-scientific.

  4. Hey Ben,
    I'm a big Bernie fan, but H.A. Goodman is a little nutty.
    Those two polls were not rigged. They were just conducted with a method, that heavily favors Clinton.
    But they didn't automatically add the Biden votes to Clinton – not true.
    PPP polls is conducting an Iowa poll over the weekend and they also seem to have a method, that always has Bernie pretty low. So don't be surprised, if there is another bad Iowa poll coming out on Tuesday.
    Pollsters always with bad results for Bernie:
    Gravis, PPP, Monmouth, Loras College

    The reason why Clinton supporters won't debate on your channel is easy:
    Most of them are either low-info voters or in love with Clinton – and then it's hard to debate about the issues.

  5. Bernie is the Man we need. 
    Hillary is the Woman that they want us to have.
    It's not a Man/ Woman thing with me.

    Give me a Woman like Elizabeth Warren, and I'll vote for her. 
    Don't try and tell me that Hillary is a Progressive.
    She is Republican lite. No thanks.

  6. @t. carter Rigged? Polls daytime on landlines? Who the f**k answers a landline mid day? You could establish that a major part of the average household budget is spent on adult diapers with a poll like that.

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