Gun Seller Sued After Bodycam Shows 14 People Shot
Newly released video shows the events leading up to a shooting in St. Paul, Minnesota. The video also includes details about the unlawful gun straw purchasing which occurred prior to the incident and has key court details related to the incident. 13 of the individuals were determined to not have life-threatening injuries. Tragically, a 14th victim – Kiki Williams – did not survive the shooting. Out of respect for her and those who loved her, she is not visible in this video.
This video is presented to provide news information, education and context related to this shooting which generated significant headlines. The substantial details included in the video provide relevant information for the public, especially as it relates to gun violence, the tragic impact of illegal straw-purchasing and also related prevention efforts as it relates to gun homicides.
'cawl the am'blanz' turned the video off right there. There's not gonna be any surprises.
50 seconds into the video and I already am running to the comments 😂 “I can’t breath” x52 “I got shot in the foot”
okay so his trail was schudeled for aug 2023 we are now in 2024 what ended up happening to the killer? how many years did he end up getting?
Both of these people should have been charged with that woman's murder. Or At least Phillips should have received manslaughter charges.
2 years in prison for buying legal guns and selling to criminals should be 20 + years
I think the SJW person was not an sjw, i think he was drunk cause honestly he sounded out of it
they should be tryin to sue the atf..its not fleet farms job to police anyone.
how in the heck does a person buy 33 guns and not have the atf knockin on his door?
does that mean i can sue the car dealer when i get ran over by a kia?
A Ramsey County Judge sentenced Terry Lorenzo Brown to 441 months (36.75 years) for his role in the shooting on Oct. 10, 2021, inside the Seventh Street Truck Park bar that killed 27-year-old Marquisha Wiley and left 14 others injured.
Surprise surprise on the colour of the suspects.
I busted-up , she said , I can’t breathe , I’ve been shot in my foot.
she wanted to be a George Floyd !!! ha ha
“I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe, sir. I can’t breathe, I’ve been shot in my foot. I can’t breathe." with her phone to ear🤔
shot in the back of the foot but you can’t breathe cmon
Yeah, it's totally the legal gun store's fault, not the prosecutor who allows criminals to run rampant. 🙄 Keith Ellison belongs in prison.
bro if a young balck man is coming in and buying 22 of the same handgun….im calling police with his info… wtf u need 22 of the same gun for…oh to resell them of cash illegally…which is stupid cause it traces back to u ..but thats a dumb black man for u…
How dare they sue a gun seller. We need to pass laws to protect gun sellers who sell guns to anyone, which is protected by constitution and god and republicans.
See that gorgeous girl that got killed? It ALWAYS happens that way. An innocent person gets it and theturds walk.
When the pics of the two who were involved were shown, who was surprised? Raise your hands.
Question, in what world does a police officer pull up to the scene of a reported mass shooting without taking out the AR before even exiting the vehicle? Makes zero sense.
BLM protests immediately after.
To all you wise commenters…’I can’t breathe’ doesn’t always mean you’re trying to get out of a situation you don’t want to be in or are trying to get out of. Your body goes into a compensative response to a stressful situation. Allergies, asthma, stress, damage, drugs, alcohol, etc. The Floyd case divided people. Take away the racism.
Yeah they can’t do that
ah yes, the natural predator of apes – other apes
5:52 hahahaha "F O O T A G E" eh? they DON'T use DIGITAL cameras there??? you know… the ones that DON'T use "FILM" to make "FOOTAGE" with. 🤨
5:49 you said: would "LOOSE AN ARTERY"??? how does THAT happen…?? like a whole ARTERY from their body got shot out of them?? makes no sense. do ya mean they lost a limb? because i don't think it's POSSIBLE to "loose ARTERIES" they can be damaged and even closed off but to loose an entire ARTERY????
0:48 so she can't breav (she's saying "BREAVE" instead of "BREATH") because of the bullet in the BACK OF HER FOOT???… which the OFFICER askes her if it's in her "ANKLE" but she says in the back of her foot…. doesn't she know what an ANKLE is??? like the intelligence in people these days is GONE… fled the planet!!
0:09 he says "WE NEED AN AM-BA-LANCE" not "AMBULANCE" like AXE instead of ASK rite?? REAL INTELLIGENT… i don't know what an Ambalance is !!
YEAH For sure it's in USA hahahahahahahahaha
Ghetto ass St Paul
Why do we share the planet with these animals again?
people and politicians in Canada often site the straw purchases as a means to ban legal guns. too stupid to understand its not possible under canadian laws pretty sure the feds would notice one guy owning 1000 handguns lol fear mongers
Lol i cant breathe! I cant breathe! I got shot in my foot! They LOVE that phrase
Typical behavior
"i can't breathe sir i gots shot in the back of my foot." 🤣😂🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Yeah these guys might need to get some training fpr their aim shoots 14 people misses the actual people mean to be hit. How are you that bad
The response towards shot civilians and shot cops is actually irritating. Mfs just walking around like your fine. Can you walk? I see your shot in the leg but can you walk? Then proceeds to watch a man who is shot try to get up by himself. Civilians are having to put pressure on wounds because the cops are just walking around. If a cop gets shot dude is treated like hes got 2 seconds to live. Meanwhile civilians are treated like its just another day
Screaming I can't breath means you can breath 😂
Damn, nothing but chaos. Suspects can't aim for crap.
"i cant breathe i cant breathe" "Ive been shot in the back of my foot"
yea that correlates to you not be able to breathe
" I can't breathe " 😂 her people are so use to saying that when they see police, she said it and she's not even a suspect 🤣🤣