Gorgo 1961 (Horror, Sci-Fi) Bill Travers, William Sylvester, Vincent Winter | Full Movie

Neither Bombs, Bullets, Jets or Rockets Can Stop Gorgo…But This Little Boy Knew His Secret! Greedy sailors capture a giant …


49 thoughts on “Gorgo 1961 (Horror, Sci-Fi) Bill Travers, William Sylvester, Vincent Winter | Full Movie

  1. Why do the nay-sayers have to say these films are bad. These people were the forerunners of today's filmakers who have a lot more money, technology and other resources. Many famous actors and actresses appeared in these films. We should appreciate the films for what they are. Peeks into a past where imagination was king.

  2. DON'T PANIC !
    There must have been half of London in this film as extras doing their utmost to do just that.
    And mommy just wanted her ikllie baby monster back.
    For pure entertainment 10/10.
    Thanks for the upload

  3. Génial Oui love famille d'amour Cécile et toi même chéri je vais aller faire dû vélo en même temps que Adeline 9 h45 j'irai faire dû vélo tout va bien chéri bisous magique ta Cécile chérie d'amour merci beaucoup beaucoup 🫶🫶🫶🫶🌹🌹 gros love famille d'amour ha

  4. “Disse-lhe Jesus: “Eu sou a ressurreição e a vida. Aquele que crê em mim, ainda que morra, viverá; e quem vive e crê em mim, não morrerá eternamente. Você crê nisso?”
    João 11.25-26 💚✨

  5. Lembro quando esse filme passou no SBT, de como era anunciado como o filme "Feito para concorrer com King Kong", há muito eu desejava revê-lo. Ele foi exibido na televisão brasileira nos anos 1980's.

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