Literal translations: Man should be strong. In other meaning: Man should be self-reliant; manhood should be strong. In other words, in Western world meaning: "Don't be a pussy. Man up".
The entire lyric, in literal translation, is about Man who faces hardship in life. Man is supposed to be strong. Be the hero. Everyday must be strong. Body, bone, and blood of steel. Despite the vastness of the world, there will be unknown challenges. Stand tall against the odds. Be good man. Be righteous. Outshine all others with your bravery. Be a man Be the hero.
As a Chinese descendant, knowing Cantonese and Mandarin, it is a poetry about what a MAN should be. To be MAN and to be a HERO. It is about being strong, righteous, self-reliant, and bravery.
Bother version sung by men were conveyed well. Strong manly voice sung by this really reverberates in Chinese male audiences.
In the movie, the main character, Wong Fei Hung, his actions, his demeanor, his philosophy, and everything about him as a Man and a Hero reflects this song.
I played Bruce Lee game on Newgrounds, and it has this melody playing throughout the whole game. 20 years later I finally found the name of the song thanks to a fellow 9gagger.
He is the Valery Meladze of his time for that strong voice and vocal character 😊
Love this song. It's strange to think I only found this inspirational song in a fanfic of all places.
I ❤ this song.Not a joke.Very uplifting.I can do 1000 push up after listening to this master piece.
Kekuatan yg dihasilkan dari lagu ini sungguh luar biasa 💪
Sanda players:
It's 2024, this song still goes hard! It's a head turner blasting this song in the street! Hoh! Hah!
Idgaf what y’all say..every Asian grew up with this shit in the 90s!!
Tali putus tiba tiba kotrah pernah kasih Tau sediket aba aba ko pergi dengan dia kasih daasa serius bukan main hati hankur lihat koyah sa mau Tanya
I work out to this song! Wong Fei Hung is an awesome inspiration!
I always listen to this song when I warm up for martial arts. It sets me in the head Space for discipline structure and formidable exercise
Now i almost slapped the man infront of me so we can fight😢 🎎🧧
It take me 15 years to find this masterpiece 😢
Chinese Fighting style theme
Beautiful Song, lives rent free in my head since a kid
2024 Master Wong Fei Hung still reigns supreme
I'm assuming this Cantonese but please correct me if I'm wrong
Is this mandarin or cantonese?
If I turned 19 im gonna join mma and this will be my entrance song
Nice song ❤
All of sudden I feel like fighting😅😅
😅lk**3 😮
man i still hear this song in 2024 march
Ça sent bon les souvenirs cinématographique 😃
Literal translations: Man should be strong. In other meaning: Man should be self-reliant; manhood should be strong. In other words, in Western world meaning: "Don't be a pussy. Man up".
The entire lyric, in literal translation, is about Man who faces hardship in life. Man is supposed to be strong. Be the hero. Everyday must be strong. Body, bone, and blood of steel. Despite the vastness of the world, there will be unknown challenges. Stand tall against the odds. Be good man. Be righteous. Outshine all others with your bravery. Be a man Be the hero.
As a Chinese descendant, knowing Cantonese and Mandarin, it is a poetry about what a MAN should be. To be MAN and to be a HERO. It is about being strong, righteous, self-reliant, and bravery.
Bother version sung by men were conveyed well. Strong manly voice sung by this really reverberates in Chinese male audiences.
In the movie, the main character, Wong Fei Hung, his actions, his demeanor, his philosophy, and everything about him as a Man and a Hero reflects this song.
I love this song ❤
I played Bruce Lee game on Newgrounds, and it has this melody playing throughout the whole game. 20 years later I finally found the name of the song thanks to a fellow 9gagger.
Pure Awesomeness!!
I heard a louder one in school
Song motivates me at the gym when lifting heavy weights
I love the dragon ticnic.. he always read his heart and mind to control all… So he cannot make a worst again in again… Thanks for all monks… ❤
Люблю китайскую культуру.
Alle way where l,m ,l remind when l was wacthing a jakie film
Love this❤
A new saying is invincibly powerful. Invincibly grand. Invincibly flexible.
This is the theme to Once Upon A Time in China
Bless the algorithm
This song gives me peace and power
Where is the older version song that plays in the old kung fu movies?
I forgot the name too so I put famous kung fu song and this popped up 😂! Thank you!!!!
Gonna make this my wake up alarm and see if I don't wake up with some fire
Ya quiero ir a la China
My favourite song. I am from India
Finally finding this song for 6 years i finally found it and i am making sute to keep it in a playlist so it will never be lost
I am wide awake listening to this and it’s 2am