Genetics of Southeast Asia: Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore and More!

Today, we’re going to discuss the genetic, ethnic, and religious makeup of the countries that are in Southeast Asia, such as the …


21 thoughts on “Genetics of Southeast Asia: Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore and More!

  1. Southeast Asia is one of my favorite regions in the world to learn about! It's got ethnic, linguistic, and religious diversity not seen elsewhere on the planet, and it's important to learn about!

  2. Indonesian here.

    Islam, Christian,Catholic,Buddhism,Hinduism, Kong-hucu (like a sub buddhism), Sunda wiwitan (Local religion) & even we have a jews in here.
    what i like about it, everytime one of the religion have a big day… so we got more off day from work.

  3. as Indonesian an asean person, our history of religion evolution is pretty crazy because we as indonesian used to be pagan who worship our ancestor spirit when the cholan empire spread their influence we became hindu and finally buddha because of influence of siamese kingdom. after that when the time at peace suddenly the arab and gujarati traders come to our land and start spreading teachings of islam and because of that our society from hindu buddhist civilization into islamic sulatanate. after that we saw european sailor who want to explore our land so they did the same thing like some arab and gujarati trader. now it was different they spread christianity.

  4. Thank you so much for posting these videos and for all the effort that you put into making them. I agree with you, SE Asia is by far one of the most fascinating places on earth.

  5. Indonesian people: Majority look southeast asian, rest look like east asian and melanesian. And many mixed between southeast asian-east asian-melanesian race. The true Indonesian people only melanesian, people who look like majority southeast asian (austronesian-austrostiatic) people from yunnan, north vietnam and taiwan (look like pure south chinese race). People who look like east asian look like mixed between north and south chinese mixed, they came from guangdong and fujian.

  6. I would love to to debate this guy,,,,,, as far as the negrito,,, Melanesian,,,Papuan,,,;; goes,,,,, when all of your negrito,, or, melanesian,,, Asiatic Black DNA of these people is mitochondrial,,, that probably is the result of warfare where most of the men were killed and the women interbreeding with the conquerors,,,,, if this was a one-off case that would lead to speculation,,,,,, but in all cases except,,,, the Andaman Islanders,,,,, the mitochondrial DNA was always of the melanin variety,, meaning the original inhabitants,,,,,,,, I'm not about to use the word melanoid,,,,,,,,,, I find Western labels kind of offensive. To sum it all up,,,,,,,, when they were displaced by the Asians,,, in prehistory,,,,,,,,,,, it had to be driven by warfare because most of the Asian DNA was of the paternal variety. That is precisely what happened to the original,,, so-called,,,,,, Austronesians who originated in Taiwan, they were conquered byAsians,,,,,, there are still written accounts about the small black men who originally occupied the island. Not trying to cause the offense,,,,,,,,,, ancient migration happened all the time,,,,,,,, for instance when the Turks displaced the Romans,,, byzantines to be exact,,,,,,… When the Huns first occupied that portion of Europe that is today called Hungaria,,,,,,,,… It's just a part of human history. And to prove my point further,,,,,,,, the remnants of all these people occupied the most hostile,,,, inaccessible, and unwanted lands,,,,,,, Islands,,, swamps, and mountains,,,,, even to this day,,, the Aeta and Naga tribes of the Philippines,,,,Betek of Malaysian,,,Orang throughout the area,,,,,,the Maniq of Thailand,,, and etc, etc,,,,, the one thing they have in common is that they all are looked down upon,,,,, a result of being a conquered people. Even the Dalits of India fall into this category they all look down upon with extreme prejudice. If you want to see a modern day example a pure original genes of these ancient people,,,,,, look up the people of the Andaman Islands,,,,,,,,,, they have been isolated between 40 and 80 thousand years on those islands,,, these people DNA strain is present in all Asiatic people,, regardless of race. They are the original people of Asia,, like the afro people are the original people of Africa,,,,, DNA proves all of this,, this isn't a hypothesis,,, nor speculation,, facts just backed up by science. They were Conquered,,,, and this is where the historical disdain for darker skin color,,, that survives to this day.,,, comes from

  7. East Asian Grouping:
    * Southeast Asians: Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, East Timor, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, etc.
    * East Asians: China, Taiwan, Japan, Koreas
    * Northeast Asians: Mongolia (why only one?)

  8. All of you almost wrong, always blame anything in Vietnam cause by Communist. Communist in Vietnam do not or less touch to Religions, Vietnamese people are 90% have familiar with Buddhism and native folks…but actually those 90% of Vietnam population do not follow any religion, they have believes but not religion, it is natural, they believe to their folks, they believe the good of Buddhism philosophy, they feel good with Confucius society structure…but almost they don't believe all mighty god, they believe to sciences but don't believe to mighty powers leading to they adopt Socialism/Communism… The not easy to instigate Vietnamese people acting follow orders from mighty god (which fabricated by someone for manipulating stupid people), almost Vietnamese only believe to reasonable and dialectical things.

  9. I must say base on looks they (SEA) quite look similar

    thai is to philipino
    indo is to malay
    vietnam (quite east asian look)
    cambodia is to timor leste
    myanmar is to lao

    although there are differences, these pairs base on my observation look alike the most

  10. This is my view

    Since history is written through the lens of the writer's knowledge and experience, if you read and learn from a western books that would be your idea of Asia. Western historians had a hard time puting Asians in box since it is diverse in it's language and culture so they did the next best thing, they generalized based on one small group of people that they met and left it at that. It's the same as saying Texans is equivalent to all Americans. Since the world view is becoming smaller due to availability of information across the world, we see what it is really outside of what was written in history books.

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