full Arm Workout

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49 thoughts on “full Arm Workout

  1. I'm finding it hard to watch his videos now. It feels like I've lost an old friend. He was always 100% himself on camera, which is extremely rare for anyone, myself included. Such a great inspiration

  2. Still dropping knowledge. Happy to see the ‘Granite Supplements’, which John helped found, being displayed. His wife is still involved. Great stuff + great training tips.

  3. Amazing conten!
    Even after his death we can learn from him, that's true measurement of his knowledge.

    It would be really nice to highlight his exercises on minutes, and type in bio how much sets and reps he's doing…
    I think most of us will like that.😊

  4. Used this arm workout today on Memorial Day! On Memorial Day we remember all those who sacrificed to make our lives better…John Meadows made many many peoples lives better! Thank you Mountain Dog!!!

  5. I definitely agree with the part about lifting heavy for biceps and getting tendinitis. I actually got really bad tendinitis in my forearm and my lower biceps where they meet took quite a bit of doing to get rid of it. Nowadays, the heaviest side curl is around 100 pounds, but he’s right my arms actually have gotten bigger. I am pushing towards 18 right now I’ll be able to hit 19 at some point in my life.

  6. This channel is the Rolls Royce of all the fitness channels I've learnt so much from John and i will keep learning more 💪
    Thank you John for all your hard work we miss you Brother ❤😢🙏

  7. Been hitting the gym for about 4-5 months now and have been using these videos as a guide. Last week I wore an old shirt that I hadn’t been able to fit into in a while. Much to my surprise it fit great around the waste but my shoulders and back have gotten so much development that the shirt didn’t fit due to gains!

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