Foods You Should ABSOLUTELY Avoid With An Enlarged Prostate

These are the top foods you should avoid if you have an enlarged prostate! If You want to shrink your prostate naturally, one of my …


35 thoughts on “Foods You Should ABSOLUTELY Avoid With An Enlarged Prostate

  1. Hi, I have a question. What if are you good any plastic bag Ziploc is what I’m saying Styrofoam plates Styrofoam containers does it have the same effect on men’s testosterone or women hormones

  2. Ok but why are people lacking total common sense to heat normal plastics in the microwave. Doesn't everybody know to avoid heated plastics? Only exception are the heat proof plastics for food but even these I replaced by glass containers.

  3. From Australia. A house-mate that I needed a judge to evict left some bagged popcorn about 3 years ago so microwaved and ate the 2 remaining bags about a month apart. Do freeze portions of slow cooked meals in plastic containers but reheat any thawed meal in a pot on the stove or a bowl in the microwave. Never trusted the use of plastic in the microwave no matter what the packaging said. The popcorn was a slip up. At 72 I'd thought my problem was just age. Tossed my non-stick pans out too. Why is it legal to sell such harmful products around the world?

  4. I guess I don’t have a problem here because I just found out that my testosterone levels are a bit higher than normal. Maybe I should start microwaving things in plastic to bring my levels down. Just kidding here. Valuable information as we always receive from you. Much thanks.

  5. Dr. Rachel, I’m 53 and have been practicing caloric restriction since 2009 and I’m in great shape, I Don eat anything with more than one ingredient, except microwave popcorn!! I have started to have symptoms of prostate inflammation. Wow. Thanks no more microwave pop😢

  6. Dr Ross I love you so much I m 63 yes old always watch your vvlogs very impressive but I m suffering from prostrate but I'm from India from far eastern bordering Myanmar old name Burma please prescribe some medicine but I m also suffer in from gastric thank you

  7. I was worried that you were going to tell me I could only eat lettuce and carrots with no salad dressing. (I swear, I have seen doctors on YT that tell you all the things you can’t eat, and by the time they are done, there’s nothing left to eat other than lettuce. 🙄)

  8. I enjoyed watching this video.

    Funny thing is I don't eat popcorn at all because I hate how it gets stuck in my gums. In my household we use actual butter. I remember years ago about my mom telling me about how fake butter isn't good to use for cooking.

    When it comes to storing leftovers we use plastic containers but one thing we never do is microwave the food in them. So I don't know if simply taking the food out of the plastic and heating it up on the stove makes any difference. I'm not a big fan of microwaved food to begin with so I rarely use the microwave.

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