

  1. Ems number went way down when he said he didn't want fans if they voted for trump so we did what he asked and stopped listening to him then he sold out so yeah thats why

  2. A couple things. The divorce bar, he was talking about Mac Lethal. The meth line, he said the doctor said he should be on Meth (Adderall is amphetamine salts) and he wasn't flexing on us, this whole track was him finally addressing his haters after he's turned a blind eye for so long. Great vid as always Van.

  3. He didnt mean that he was the biggest period. He means the biggest independent artist in the world. And he clearly is. Almost a billion streams is crazy. Not to mention millions of actual cd sales too

  4. He said he came out a city where he still gets no respect he wasn't impressed…. Thomas specifically talking about his hometown going back and even though he's made it he still gets no respect even though they are living check to check…

  5. i mean, he may have dissed all of us, but he ain't wrong. Everyone I know, even people who were upper class a few years ago are all paycheck to paycheck, and if he isn't as an indie rapper with that back story, it isn't a diss to me, it's just spitting facts.

  6. Hello Van, positive criticism, you should listen more attentively, before articulating your opinions, he said "they been saying' my video views are all fake" and "they" i.e. (those who made those claims) are the bums he is addressing.

  7. 18:19
    I appreciate your analysis. Tom is my GOAT because he changed my mind about rap. I love hip hop dancing, break dancing, and most of the beats, but the lyrics were either too fast or garbled for me to understand other than the obscenities. Will Smith had several songs that I liked. There were a couple that I would recognize because they were in movies or were really popular, but I never saut after ant hop-hop artist. I would categorize Tom as an artist, and when you include Nova… the most talented artist power couple of this century so far.

  8. When Tom drops–he always hiys Number !. He has been on top of the signed rappers. When he released Facts, Nikki asked who this whute dude is that took over. Em has been behind him on views too.

  9. You are hilarious on that comment but remember if it wasn't for us white people teaming up with you all it would be different and remember white people didn't create slavery it was your own kind that sold your own selves to us you should watch the Candace Owens testimony on slavery My Goats of hip hop rap Bone Thugs-N-Harmony Marshall Mathers Tupac NWA Beastie Boys Lil Wayne my opinion but we would not have them if it were not for Rakim Big Daddy Kane KRS-One LL Cool J Run DMC

  10. The 11" bar was reference to standard note pad is 11×8 . So you can deep throat and swallow 11" of paper that his pen touched clowning and trolling these weak hoe's ( industry artist) Don't want any beef, cause they all caught the "DIdd -vid"and wear dresses and man purses and became vegans. I can appreciate the satire and lyrical structure, he's nice

  11. Reparations are due from the slave owners to the slaves. Read your history. My family moved here in 1914… do we owe reperaations… we are from Slovenia… we were slaves before your ancestors were and we were taken to Africa as slaves.

  12. @23:57 He's addressing his haters, if the shoe fits…
    He's talking specifically about people who are attacking him, calling his video views fake etc etc
    Simon and Garfunkle said it: "…the man he hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest…"

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