Father Wants Hollywood To Put A LGBTQ Rating On Movies & TV Shows

Phillip Scott reports that a Father wants Hollywood to put a label that features scenes that show LGBTQ content.


42 thoughts on “Father Wants Hollywood To Put A LGBTQ Rating On Movies & TV Shows

  1. Honestly they may as well do that to commercials; never saw so may commercials with that in it as this past year. It's gratuitous and he's right, often has nothing to do with the product like Oreos and Gillette razors.

  2. I have told my son straight up if anything look feminine or suspect and told him gay stuff not cool and even I turn away,I agree 1000 on this some of us don't want to see that stuff or our child to see it at all,stand on business

  3. This is a point i made years ago, Asian media does it better, the shows tags tell you everything you need to look out for when starting a new show but in the US they tried to hide it or surprise you. So i do think the Shows and Movies in the US need a more detailed tagging system.

  4. Straight people don't want to be surprised by that all the time. I mean if you know ahead of time the movie or show has some gay scenes then it's whatever, but it's not cool to just spring it on us. Even if we not with kids, we just need some warning before that.

    Hell, even a lesbian might not want to see a scene involving to gay dudes kissing because that's not going to turn her on and might turn her off, and vice versa. Ut doesn't hurt to just put LGBTQ+ Right under the rating or something.

  5. Should there be a label or warning if someone black is in the show/movie? There are no warnings in real lifefor LGBT. The entertainment industry shouldn't cater to black people and ignore everyone else.

    Lesbians, gays and bisexuals exist. It's really disappointing to see how too many black people discriminate against anyone when the civil rights act was passed less than a century ago.

    Parents should actually be parents and stop passing the responsibility to everyone else. Monitor what your child watches. It's that simple.

  6. HE'S GAY. Why is he so angry and worried about. He's a viscous DOWNLOW and using the kids to advance his HOMOPHOBIA. Even if he did know, he would still be angry because HE'S IN THE CLOSET!!!!

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