Fake Amazon Delivery Ends in Every Parent’s Worst Nightmare
In today’s body camera video, we’re covering the case of Marlly Jarina Ardila-Urrego and Chun Ho Vincent Lai.
We’re a news agency committed to delivering factual information about police procedures and local news events. This video aims to educate the public without bias. Our goal is to empower viewers with a clear understanding of what’s happening in their communities.
This is news piece in the public’s interest. This video was created with the intent of educating the public.
"All people are innocent until pro-" Noone cares about the rights of criminals get to the video.
White American woman is cousins with the non English speaking Spanish woman and the “cousin’s” husband, an Asian dude is the biological father….. yeah, riiiight. This story definitely goes deeper
Crazy that this happened maybe twenty minutes away from where I live and I'm just hearing about it.
Some cartel b.s, probably still needs to pay them back
I love a happy ending! Great investigating and help from the neighbors!
This is incredible. I can’t imagine how that poor mother felt. Thank you to the neighbors and the woman who did the translating. That was a huge help. So happy the baby is ok. As for the 2 disgusting things that did this……life in prison.
Why does she speak only Spanish???
I want to take the time to thank the neighbor that translate, you did a wonderful job, and thanks to the community that comes together, the lady that also was watching from her windows. And thank God for keeping the baby safe. Thanks to the officers team work. ❤❤❤
Oh my Gosh.
HOW CAN FAMILY DO THIS? INSANE! THANK HEAVEN FOR NOSY NEIGHBORS.😂 Sometimes they annoy me, asking personal questions, but they save lives. I have a stalking ex husband and I don't want to be friendly, but being friendly could possibly save my life OR END MY LIFE. It all depends.
That's why you must learn english if you move to the US
That strange conversation the grandfather had with his neice… How can someone boldly tell you she can make money by selling a baby, and you keep this to yourself?! ANYWHERE, this is a potential crime. Why did the neice feel comfortable confiding in him, it's not normal dinner table conversation, and it's not a conversation you have with just anyone. You either make a report, or you break her boldness by telling her off, so she never again feels confident to tell you any evil plans!
If he'd reported the dubious conversation, the authorities would have at least had her in their sights, and a chat with them might have deterred her, as well…before HIS granddaughter was kidnapped! Thinking who cares, it won't be my child, can teach a harsh lesson.
And….. this is why trump says English should be the main language of our country
sry but this mom seems extremely naive to send a video of the inside of her house for a delivery. jfc.
Just as I think of the states, a place you stay away from. Biked trough mexico and South america, been to Somalia, never had I had any troubles.
Only place I was attacked was in america. A lady attacked us for speaking danish, sorry we tourists.
10:01 LOL why did she say box like that🤣🤣🤣
10:00 “they put her baby in the Amazon bOoOox, the same bOoOox” why she say it like that 😂😂
We need a update after the trial
I tried to Google this case and all there is is news stories about what happened. Nothing about current happenings like their hearings.
I would like to know the outcome of the case, hearings, etc.
What happened to kids playing with boxes?
just when I thought I'd seen it all…..
The phone and car tracking in four hours was impressive, so was the neighbor translating and the other neighbor with camera and memory. That "I am the father" was so strange. What a situation. Wowsa.
This world 🌍 has gone off the rail crazy!! Hard to believe that anyone could do this to a mother and the icing on the cake is she did it to someone in her own family. People have lost their everloving minds!! I hope they get locked up for a long time and I don't mean 10 years,that definitely wouldn't get the point across. My prayers 🙏 go out to the parents and grandparents but most of all the babies!! I hope she doesn't remember any of it!
The kinappers was the cousin's victim? I cant believe it…
Why would an Amazon Delivery Driver need to know what the INSIDE of a persons house looks like?
This happened in my hometown! I'm so confused at the first lady who called the cops, saying she didn't let the mother inside because she was "afraid of getting kidnapped"? If someone shows up with a rag on her face and her hands ziptied together how are they gonna kidnap you? That poor woman was left outside to her own devices not knowing if the neighbor or anybody would help her.
Why would you open the door to someone with a sky mask?! That should have been warning #1
The mom knew who they were.
If you come to the United States, learn our language!!! It's disrespectful to us citizens for you not to learn the language. They need to assimilate if they want to live here! See how important it is to know Our language!!
The 18th was here and gone, I wonder what happened at trial
So was he the fada or what????
Just how evil does someone have to be to think not only could they sell a baby but to plan so far ahead to take a relative's baby. Absolutely insane. I hope they spend several years in prison for what they tried to do.
Literally the best witness! Her story coincided with the camera exactly!
no more videos about kids
Trial was set for the 17th, it's the 24th now. Hoping to find an update.
Thank Goodness the babe was found safe and returned to parents,bi hope they air the trial.
10:00 man… It was hard for her to repeat what she just heard. To treat an infant like that is demonic.
If an amazon delivery driver asks to see what the INSIDE of your house looks like you need to cancel your order and report them to the police
COME ON MAN nothing like OPEN BORDERS to open this country to LOTS of new insane problems
If someone lives in another country they should learn the language that others speak
These two are some kind of sick cannibals or in the trafficking business or both.
Omg!! This is horrifying!!
YOu think there's no reason you need to learn to speak English/ Try explaining your symptoms in an E.R. There are free classes. Take one.When something horrible happens you will need it.Not every E.R. or local police dept. has a Spanish speaking person you can use.Minutes count at times like this.,
Now these are the criminals that want out my country… Not my innocent friends and family.
10:15 "Needed the layout of the apartments, what it looked like and what the inside and outside of her house looked like."
Really ? As someone who delivers for amazon, we don't get a description of the house inside and outside to deliver a package. We get your name and address and any comments you leave (white house / red roof / has a fence *at best*)
We don't need to know where the baby sleeps. Doesn't matter. Don't care.
That should be such a red flag if someone is asking that.
Sure, if I can't find a property I call the customer (recorded call and we don't have your number but get connected through amazon) and will ask for directions or "Can you describe the house ? Is it the white one with 3 windows or is it the blue one with a tall fence" etc. Sometimes I'll say , "Can you come into the front yard and wave please so I can see which house" although 99% of the time I can find a place. It is just when you get these crazy setups where there are no numbers on the houses for most of the street or unit / apartment complexes with no numbers that I struggle.
Sorry but never trust a drug addict no matter if they are your family. The love of money is evil
This was supposed to be a joke???? Joke my ass. That’s a BS excuse from two very guilty defendants who are going to jail for decades.
"Im the biological father" what kind of plot twist is this?!?! What in the heck is going on