Your exercises are beautiful; you have tone, balance, strength, control, flexibilty.
I have flat feet and as I age and due to knee injuries I have had PT. Your routines are extensions and complements of what I learned there. I realize I have been taking my feet for granted for decades.
Hi Zuzka, In my 50+ years of yoga and my designed "Proteios Process: BodyMusic classes I suggest Simhasana, the Vajrasana variations and the seated mediation asanas which will work the bottom of feet, toes, ankles, Achilles, calves, knees, hips, sacrum, low back and the "guy wires" of ligaments, tendons, muscles within and extending from the pelvis up to the mid-back and down to the knees, in Proteios extensive ROM. Let's talk and collaborate on master classes.
I have started walking barefoot as much as I can the last few weeks. It is helping to in general give me better body awareness and balance, and I am hoping over time it will sort out my lower back and hip problems and imbalances. Big heel drop shoes make your brain think you are falling all the time and the cushioning desensitises you to the ground. So your emphasis on the feet here is very important and useful. I cannot splay my toes yet or move big toe independent of others so I will start by working on that.
I've spent 2/3th of me life on minimal shoes only to get told by my doctor that I had to buy shoes with soles and more support for the feet. After I got shoes with soles I actually never had problems with me feet again while I did before that. This is a topic that is different for everyone
Thank you for this content! I let my strength go during the pandemic and working from home. This has led to strange pains. I really appreciate your sharing this!
I'm an athlete, and I have to be honest. I've completely disregarded foot exercises unintentionally. Thank you, Zuska, for opening my eyes and making me realize how much better I could be achieving my fitness goals. You just gained another follower. Muito obrigado! 1️⃣❤️
Me ha encantado. Ha sido muy completo y hay poca gente que le da importancia a la salud de los pies, a su musculación y movilidad. Gracias por el vídeo, un saludo.
The importance of foot health and strength is so often overlooked. Thank you very much for this video!
Your exercises are beautiful; you have tone, balance, strength, control, flexibilty.
I have flat feet and as I age and due to knee injuries I have had PT. Your routines are extensions and complements of what I learned there. I realize I have been taking my feet for granted for decades.
Thank you
Bardzo ładnie
Hi Zuzka, In my 50+ years of yoga and my designed "Proteios Process: BodyMusic classes I suggest Simhasana, the Vajrasana variations and the seated mediation asanas which will work the bottom of feet, toes, ankles, Achilles, calves, knees, hips, sacrum, low back and the "guy wires" of ligaments, tendons, muscles within and extending from the pelvis up to the mid-back and down to the knees, in Proteios extensive ROM. Let's talk and collaborate on master classes.
The top comment on every single one of her posts is a greeting to the men of culture. She must be so happy with her audience 😂
Great advice and beautiful feet 😍
I have started walking barefoot as much as I can the last few weeks. It is helping to in general give me better body awareness and balance, and I am hoping over time it will sort out my lower back and hip problems and imbalances. Big heel drop shoes make your brain think you are falling all the time and the cushioning desensitises you to the ground. So your emphasis on the feet here is very important and useful. I cannot splay my toes yet or move big toe independent of others so I will start by working on that.
Thanks !!
I've spent 2/3th of me life on minimal shoes only to get told by my doctor that I had to buy shoes with soles and more support for the feet.
After I got shoes with soles I actually never had problems with me feet again while I did before that.
This is a topic that is different for everyone
So this is your secret to keep such lovely toes
Feet. ❤
Thank you for the advice!
I know it is difficult Gentlemen, but pay attention to what she is saying! Good knowledge!
For feet spacing, you can do foot maintenance at the same time, two birds one stone thing.
Use your own Phalanges!
Gentleman, Pay attention to the words as well!
Thank you for this content! I let my strength go during the pandemic and working from home. This has led to strange pains. I really appreciate your sharing this!
I just wear shoes that are like Crocs so it's kind of like walking barefoot
I have neuropathy in both feet. See if it improves with your exercises 🫶🏻
Your the best
Love your exercises. Squatting and testing in the squat had helped ease back pain. Now I want to work and strengthen from toes up!❤❤❤❤❤
Hermosa chica ❤
You are a supreme master. The strength of your entire body is a Masterpiece😘😘❤️❤️
Thanks. Have a good day! ! !
Great! I'm loving my barefoot journey. almost a year now. I stopped wearing socks too.
Marry me.
Nice you.
I'm an athlete, and I have to be honest. I've completely disregarded foot exercises unintentionally. Thank you, Zuska, for opening my eyes and making me realize how much better I could be achieving my fitness goals. You just gained another follower. Muito obrigado! 1️⃣❤️
Looking after feet- great 🦶 😊
I cannot for the life of me pick up the 4 toes when the big toe is down! And I have fairly strong feet from training barefoot and lots of yoga.
Thank you. Really well informed information and guidance for the care of your feet. I love your videos ❤🙌.
What about feet that are nearly flat and collapsed inward naturally?
My goodness, you have a nice body!🇺🇸
Do you wear spacers with sneakers?
I didn't know Lisa Kudrow was so healthy
Me ha encantado. Ha sido muy completo y hay poca gente que le da importancia a la salud de los pies, a su musculación y movilidad. Gracias por el vídeo, un saludo.
When you look like Zuzka , you're obviously doing something right.
What can you do for hammer toes.
Been on YouTube since day one ,you are among the best if not the best exercise trainer on YouTube
In my community, it is illegal to walk barefoot, so I have been using Vibram Five-Fingered footwear for a number of years all year round.
I cant move my fingers😒
Keep going ❤
barefoot shoes/ minimalist shoes will change your life! Foot Health is the crux of all health IMO
You are so beautiful 😍