English at boiling point!

Yesterday on St George’s Day the metropolitan police kettled in English patriots and sent the clear message out to all the people …


39 thoughts on “English at boiling point!

  1. Free Palestine flags , Hamas terroist regalia & face coverings & thy arrest people from England for flying the flag off our country the police has no shame ! Best wishes from Northern Ireland 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

  2. Really? At boiling point ? I can’t see it ….at least in Ireland they are protesting time will tell I was born in London from Irish parents I can’t believe what’s going on in both England and the Irish republic 😢

  3. Sorry to tell you this – but the Palestinians are Semites. Also, you need to learn exactly what religion is truly causing the trouble. It’s not the big three- its Luciferians a spin off of …

  4. It's so easy to lecture other countries, but only when you taste this peaceful religion you will know why other countries had to be strict to protect the natives from these peaceful religion

  5. FYI. Terrorist took over your elected people and their families….to control YOU. So no weapons of war. Just terrorist tactics to take over your ruling class.
    As told to me by an elites' ex-wife.

  6. The British made it illegal to be black and patriotic in Australia. You British hypocrite Huh? Free Australia from the British and Irish ..The British sent their convict problems to Australia and America. Enough is enough. It's not our problem. In fact. The UKs main push to leave the EU was over immigration. The UK complain about the immigration problem Well, I suppose if you had not decided to conquer the world and exploit it you would not now be suffering the consequences. The arrogance and ignorance of the British is aggravating, isn't it.

  7. The more I see what is happening to this country the more extreme right I become. But I am not extreme right am I. It is just that the goal post has been moved so far left that I only look extreme right.

  8. The problem does go back to the stupid football fans that were absolute cunts causing mayhem in those days, But this today is a different animal. Now when I was in a protest on the boats we were not disrupting the roads at all. No, what the sly police did was push us into the road so there was a blockage all the way to Calais. After I escaped I got fed up with the [police and told them to unblock the road. THERE IS NO DEMONSTRATION I said. This Muslim policeman tells me they have been much violence. Rubbish I said there was no violence, open the bloody road to the traffic. 4 hours of blockage for no reason. Go on open the bloody road. They did. Typical police tactics.

  9. This Thursday is a chance to remove Sadiq Khan from mayor of London at the elections.
    Wake up London and get Sadiq out.

    If somebody walked through the streets of London waving an ISIS flag the police would do nothing.
    Yet if somebody waved the British or English flag they would be arrested.

    Keep flying the flag no matter what!

  10. You are so right. It's all about islam and Muslims now. None British mayor and pm . A king who's worthless. A total disgrace to our Kings and Queens of the past . Mps and a parliament only interested in themselves.

  11. Absolutely –Jeff you are SOOO right. And proving that Scots can be Scots. Thank you so very much.
    Now ingorlanders away wi'yous back beyond the Berwick border. Do not attempt to rejoin EU. As Mad Maggie said -OUT OUT OUT.Be ruled by "Tommy Robinson" (fraud ) and Fraudy Farage. Pitiable and contemptable> So said!!

  12. Rule Britannia , get used to that phrase , one day it MIGHT just save your life.
    if the powers that be seriously think that we're not prepared for race war and or civil war they're in for a shock , because we'll have our armed forces on ''our'' side , and the last time i checked no one's beat them yet !!

  13. The uk sure has slipped down hill. Not good . The London police force a majority of them are not of of uk origin. Not good , the uk seems to have stabbed itself in its own back .

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