Emulation Handhelds still cannot beat a DS Lite with an R4
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People in the comments are reminding me of something important I left out of the video: the "timebomb feature" some of the sketchier R4s have. This will prevent you from saving or sometimes even booting your R4 after a certain amount of time. This is not something that I've experienced, but it seems some of you have.
There are ways to circumvent this, but I think the easiest one is to just wipe the MicroSD completely and just start with a fresh Firmware, like the TwilightMenu that I outlined in this video and linked in the description.
Uh, 3Ds? Have people forgot how easy it is to mod? And you get the same stuff as a ds lite, with more possibility. If you only care about ds games and stuff, sure, but the 3Ds is basically a better ds lite with an r4 card when modded. And if you get a Japanese one used from eBay you can get em pretty cheap, then mod it to play USA games.
Ever since my first encounter with the R4DS I've been trying to recreate the magic and nothing quite holds a torch to it.
what is the sonic game at 12:18? ive been looking for this game since i was a kid
i had the m3dsreal card never heard of the r4
If they released a new 3DS that could run GBC/GBA/DS/3DS, I'd buy that immediately
Have to wonder if Analogue will one day make a DS fpga device. With a monster resolution to recreate the large pixels.
i have ds lite and dsi with r4 carts. but i still prefer rg35x plus. i can play different console games. but when im going to ds games, i go to ds lite. so its a win win for me
Likewise, a DS Lite with an R4 still cannot beat a 3DS running homebrew software.
I prefer a hacked 3ds
USB C is not debatable in the year of our Lord 2025. A 30$ handheld beats DS hands down. Also their batteries are old now.
well shit. Here i was thinkin the DS lite was just cheaper hard wear nintendo made to milk more money out of the GBA and DS games they had out there. guess my og 3ds really is obsolete at this point … though I've always had a soft spot for rejects like that. Interesting video, enlightening even.
steam deck with 2nd screen has entered the chat
Uh, I absolutely love my rg35xxsp by anbernic.
I agree, i have a New 3DS Xl but i got an anbernic to play on it retro games just because I don't want to ruin my 3ds seeing how much it's value increased (its a special edition). The consoles we loved are now antiquities.
bought a JPN dsi on ebay and have not regretted the purchase a single time. Some time spent installing cfw and making it ENG and bam, excellent console for playing ds and gba games. Great screen, great control feel. $30 bucks
I've got a DS lite and have been buying games and some are prohibitively expensive, this R4 sounds awesome.
Does it work out the box or does it need to be set-up with a windows PC? And does the DS have to be modded in any way and if so how?
Make a video on My personal trainer cooking DS. I think it would be pretty cool.
honestly i think dsi are better because you dont need an R4 card, and you can emulate a little more with a dsi xl.
The dsi was my favorite loved it the dsi xl was amazing but the dsi was just so damn slick
I just wish snes emulation was more reliable for DS R4. Then my life would be complete.
why do you even have such beautiful kitchen if you eat that pre-cooked ***** all the time 😀
that hinge definitely doesn't hold up the best hehehe
im in my ds phase again so i decided t check my local marketplace app and it looks like ill be picking up a ds lite for a measly 50 bucks with some games in a few days. thx wulff!
such a great point vs the 3DS! It's more 'advanced'… but it doesn't play GBA! DS lite really is that sweet spot for a lot of those old games.
I never, ever skip Bob’s ads. They are always so much fun.
My original DS Lite and DSI XL are my two favorite handhelds. I have an R4 I use between them. They are just that good.
It will the 1st time again to play ds for me! But lite! Thankss for sharing about r4!! ❤❤❤❤
Shame that its really uncomfortable if you dont have baby hands ;(((
Do you have Chrono Trigger DS? Can you show the game playing on the DS lite vs the 3DS XL? I’m just curious about which is better to play the game on… new to Chrono Trigger and don’t want to play the game regretfully on the wrong system!
This is the best way to play without internet 2025
Any DBZ Supersonic Warriors 1/2 fans in comments??!
Depends on what you want to play but the anbernics are pretty solid.
I bought a DS Lite in Seoul Korea and they asked me what 50 games I wanted and showed me a list. I was confused until they showed me the R4. When I left Korea I gave my R4 DS lite to a friend. I still regret it to this day!
Just stumbled across this channel. Why is Professor Cligoris talking to me about emulation?
yea id rather have my modded 3ds with all my ds/gba games on the micro sd, with the addition of the 3ds games lol
What I will say about the ds lite is that besides the shitty screen, I love it. I won't play it anymore because honestly, I mostly want gba games anyway, and the anbernic sp just has a way nicer screen
But damn that ds lite original battery…how tf were batteries so good back then? What happened? Like honestly. I can have my ds lite in standby for fuckin years and it doesn't die, literal years.
you're surprised by how nice the screen is? Dawg the ds lite's screen fuckin kills me T.T
i recently found my old orginal supercard sd gba flashcart that uses the full size sd card. Added a new fresh 2gb sd and still works good as new!
Can you please make a video on the arcade machine running heart gold behind you? 💀
Ive had so many ds/3ds systems over the years, never knew about R4 cards or emulating until YEARS after I got rid of them all. Now I HIGHLY regret it in 2025 and its so expensive to find a decent one out there. I literally sold my NES edition 3ds xl to gamestop for like 45 bucks back in like 2016 ._. Still have mine and my brother who passed old pokemon carts and really really would love to be able to revisit some of the pokemon my brother caught/traded me. Got so many countless memories and cant afford to get a ds ._. Literally got a near perfect condition switch for over $100 cheaper than ive found any ds/3ds around me
What’s that Japanese learning DS game you were talking about? I’ve been learning Japanese pretty hardcore for like the last year and a half straight and yea I can still use any help I can get as my speaking ability is still pretty basic but my kanji still especially rough.. it just doesn’t click for some reason the way the rest of it does bc of all the different readings n stuff whereas hiragana and katakana were like a cakewalk to learn n i picked the up within a couple months n I wish they’d just switch to using strictly them instead of the combination crap they do lol.
So yea I’ve def neglected my kanji learning in favor of vocabulary and speaking familiarization and stuff and I noticed that game looked to be teaching kanji and looked pretty cool so if anyone know what it was I’d rly appreciate it if u lmk
I remember as a youngin, I was oblivious to how useful the DS Lite could be without the top screen still. I remember my top half breaking & I was in shambles. I knew it could play my GBA games still, but I still thought to myself "Oh no, it's broken". Rather than unleash the wrath of my parents by asking them for help, I threw away my DS Lite into the garbage, never to be seen again. If only I had kept it, as I still have some GBA cartridges that would like to be played sitting here for years. Could've basically just used it as a GBA, like shown with the GBA Macro Mod, but I was too focused on thinking "what would my parents think of this broken thing".
the reason you like the twilight UI is because its the DSi UI
Lol i have the pink ds lite too 😂
The R4 was the only way growing up i could experience new games when they came out. Fantastic piece of hardware.
Try playing 3DS on the Quest 3. It's pretty sweet.