Emotional ‘Alpha Male’ FAILS To Intimidate Traditional Family Man While Losing Debate

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34 thoughts on “Emotional ‘Alpha Male’ FAILS To Intimidate Traditional Family Man While Losing Debate

  1. Its a SHOW,, this fool is getting more attention than he deserves,,,, He knows EXACTLY what he's doing and everyone loses their minds over what he's saying ,, its his GIMMICK,,, stop buying his worthless content and he will magically disappear.

  2. The funny thing about wes is, his muscles are from roids (proven) he married and divorced 1 single mother (considers her son from another man his when it isnt) and married another woman that was pregnant at the time by another man and counts that his son as well. Now i have no issue with someone who will be a father to anothers child that got abandoned or anything, but the circles wes is in with all this over the top alpha bro stuff he is a beta for that according to how that type of community looks and thats why he lied and said he had 2 kids and the 1 former step son he doesnt even know or talk to lol. Hes just a 300 pound ex con scamming roided out caricature of a false sense of what makes a man because deep down hes insecure abd wants what andrew has, an actual created family that they love each other and work hard together.

  3. 0:30 – Wes Watson says a successful man has to be good at everything. I guess Watson isn't a successful man then, since he isn't good at keeping his emotion in check and threatened to slap an armed man from Florida. Good luck slapping an armed man in a Stand Your Ground State, if you're gonna do it – don't sit down and give him time to draw a weapon.

  4. People, what have we become? Why is everyone is against what the muscle dude is saying. He comes across aggressive. But is he wrong. I bet 99% of you who is against what he said don't know how it feels to ripped and have muscles.
    Success is subjective.
    You and your family should be active and and in good health leaving no doubt or door for illnesses you could prevent just by being active.
    Stop the "group think" and prejudice. And think for yourself.
    If you are ripped with muscles and feel good, you will want that for your family as well.

  5. This guy also abused his wife, wife cheated on him, got divorced and he has made numerous videos about boofing his paperwork among other things while in prison. He may have money but he doesn't have it "all together"

  6. This guy also abused his wife, wife cheated on him, got divorced and he has made numerous videos about boofing his paperwork among other things while in prison. He may have money but he doesn't have it "all together"

  7. He didn’t fold to conservatives thinking. The sad thing is the red pill is conservative thinking. Why when your stupidity come to light you try to change the narrative not to be conservative bs.

  8. in a relatively short time. you will see a video of this roid freak passed away from a heart attack from his roids. th the truth will come out he is broke and never had money. in the mean time dude went to prison for being a pos , get a body through cheating with roids and allegedly scams people through a pyramid scheme

  9. I remember a billboard advert , with a Tom Cruise look alike next to muscle car, a body builder type with a medallion showing through his open shirt , next to a chromed out pick up truck. Then there was a slightly over wait guy with 3 kids , a dog and arms full grocery bags, 1 of his small kids was tugging at his pants leg looking he needed the bathroom quick, and he was standing next to an 8 seat van , and the slogan was, WHAT REAL MEN DRIVE !

  10. So by this guy's "logic", I would have to experience cancer, to know I don't want it, or I have to experience poverty to know I don't want it, or I have to have lots of sex to know it is bad for me.

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